Palestinian Rights Groups Warn of 'Second Nakba' amid Massive Gaza Displacement

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – In a stark warning issued on Monday, three prominent Palestinian human rights organizations, expressed deep concern over Israel's compelled displacement of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The human rights organizations, namely the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, Al Mezan Center, and Al-Haq Foundation for Human Rights, cautioned that this action could result in a reoccurrence of the Nakba (Catastrophe) witnessed in 1948, characterized by the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian natives by the apartheid regime.

"Israel persists in implementing its plan to displace the residents of the Gaza Strip out of its borders in the midst of the war it has been waging against the Strip since October 7," stated the rights bodies.

Israel initiated the current conflict after the Palestininian resistance movements launched al-Aqsa Storm operation against the regime on October 7. The resulting devastating onslaught has led to nearly 16,000 Palestinian casualties and around 1.9 million displaced individuals.

The regime's distribution of leaflets across the blockaded enclave instructing residents to leave their homes and head for the south has raised concerns. Despite earlier claims of safety in the southern part of Gaza, recent leaflets designated the city of Khan Yunis as "a dangerous combat zone," urging relocation to Rafah or the southwest coastal area.

The rights organizations emphasized that Israel's evacuation orders seek to "forcibly push hundreds of thousands of Palestinians towards Rafah and later to places close to the border with Egypt," raising apprehensions of a new Nakba.

Additionally, an interactive map circulated by Israel aims to inform Gaza's people about designated areas amid ongoing bombardment. However, the organizations highlighted the challenges faced by Gazans in accessing this information due to electricity cuts and communication blackouts.

Melanie Ward, chief executive of Medical Aid for Palestinians, expressed grave concerns about the fear and confusion induced by the Israeli maps among Gaza's civilians and staff.

UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) reported that over 1.9 million people, constituting more than 80% of Gaza's population, have been displaced since October 7 due to relentless Israeli bombardment. UNRWA further noted ongoing airstrikes in areas where forced evacuations are occurring, including Rafah.