Iran's President Leaves for Moscow for Talks on Gaza, Bilateral Relations

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is en route to Moscow for discussions centering on Gaza's crisis and advancing bilateral ties between Iran and Russia.

Before his departure for Russia, Raisi emphasized the urgency of prioritizing discussions on halting the Gaza bombings, lifting the blockade, extending aid to the Palestinian people, and above all, securing Palestinian rights.

Responding to an official invitation from Russian President Vladimir Putin, Raisi left for Moscow on Thursday morning, accompanied by a prominent political and economic delegation.

At Mehrabad Airport in Tehran, the president outlined the agenda for this brief visit, emphasizing, "This trip centers on addressing sensitive regional concerns and fostering broader bilateral relations across multiple domains."

"The recent development of relations between the two countries indicates positive steps taken in this regard. Our viewpoint and that of Russia on peace and stability in the region, as well as in combating unilateralism, is mutual. We have good cooperation with Russia in the Eurasian Union, BRICS, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation," Raisi said.

The president added that positive strides have been taken in advancing economic relations, but acknowledged the need for further enhancement.

He highlighted priorities such as cooperation in the energy, industry, agriculture, and knowledge-based sectors. The upcoming discussions during the trip will cover bilateral relations, with a specific focus on the North-South corridor.

Raisi underscored the global apprehension regarding the Gaza situation, stating, "Today, the focus of the Islamic Ummah, regional inhabitants, and individuals worldwide is on Gaza. Addressing the Palestinian issue stands as a pivotal part of our discussions, centering on immediate actions to halt Gaza bombings, lift blockades, extend aid to Palestinians, and, significantly, ensure the realization of Palestinian rights during our discussions on this trip."

This is the Iranian president's second trip to Russia since he took office in August 2021.