Swedish Citizen Appears in Iranian Court for Hostile Activities

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Swedish national Johan Floderus was brought before a court in Tehran on Sunday on a series of charges, including cooperation with the Zionist regime against the Islamic Republic.

During the court session, the prosecutor filed an indictment against Floderus charging the Swedish citizen with taking extensive measures against Iran’s security, cooperating with the Zionist regime, and “corruption of earth”.

The prosecutor said a report from the Ministry of Intelligence, the evidence, the investigations, and the admission of guilt by the defendant confirm that Floderus had been in contact with the Zionist regime’s elements.

“The defendant had been active against the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of gathering intelligence for the Zionist regime in the shape of projects on overthrowing (the Islamic Republic) with well-known American, Israeli and European institutions acting as an axis,” the prosecutor said.

According to the indictment, the Swedish national had also made connections with the elements and agents of the European Union and the representatives linked with the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO).

The defendant was operating in Iran under the guise of an EU employee to carry out the overthrow project by working on a series of subjects under the cloak of human rights and rights of women, including the status of political dissidents, Iran’s military activities, the sanctions, uranium enrichment, and the nuclear issues, the prosecutor added.

The prosecutor also noted that Floderus had travelled to the occupied Palestinian territories to establish connection with the Israeli regime’s elements and gather intelligence on Iran’s programs which were totally unrelated to his profession.