Most Countries Interested in Joining BRICS: Russian Deputy FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – More than 20 countries from all over the world have shown their vehement interest in rapprochement with the BRICS group of emerging economies all the way up to full-scale membership, Russia's deputy foreign minister said.

Speaking in an interview with the International Affairs Magazine on Friday, Sergey Ryabkov  pointed out the issue that arose before Russia "at full height ahead of the beginning of the Russian presidency in the association."

"I refer to the implementation of the leaders’ order to develop a category of so-called partner states. Many countries from across the world signal their interest in rapprochement with the BRICS nations all the way up to full-scale membership. This must be worked through in a constructive key," he stated.

"There are quite a few nations that would like to join the BRICS, more than twenty. This is not counting the countries that have officially announced their readiness to join the association on January 1, 2024. I do not know any international structure or organization where the membership growth had taken place at such rate. There is currently no experience of operation of the expanded BRICS. These are the issues that must be resolved during Russia’s chairmanship period," the diplomat said, TASS reported.

Ryabkov also pointed out that an entire series of events is planned in addition to the BRICS Summit in Kazan, including ministerial meetings and the BRICS games.

During the BRICS Summit held in Johannesburg of South Africa on August 22-24, the member states agreed to expand the organization’s membership by admitting Argentina, Egypt, Iran, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia starting on January 1, 2024.

A new list of potential member states will be prepared for the next summit, the report added.