Iran Urges Probe into Israeli Brutalities in Gaza Hospitals

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson called for an international investigation into the heinous destruction of hospitals in Gaza and the burial alive of people at the hands of the Zionist regime.

“The true face and anti-human nature of the Israeli regime has never been more exposed than in the war against Gaza,” Nasser Kanaani said in a post on his X account on Monday.

“After the killing of hundreds of Palestinians and the Zionists' preventing the bodies from being taken out, the ​​Al-Shafa Hospital has turned into a mass grave. Also, the footage published following the retreat of the Israeli regime military from Kamal Adwan Hospital show that some wounded people were buried alive in the hospital grounds by bulldozers,” he added.

“International investigation into the matter is a must,” the Iranian spokesman underlined.

Palestinian Health Minister Mai al-Kaila has called for an “urgent probe” after Israeli forces were accused of crushing Palestinians, including wounded patients, using bulldozers in the yard of Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza.

On Saturday, doctors and other witnesses said Israeli forces bulldozed tents housing displaced Palestinians near the hospital –one of the 11 hospitals still functioning inside Gaza since Israel launched its military offensive on October 7– and crushed them to death.

Witnesses say that civilians were deliberately targeted.

Several videos shared on social media also appear to show people crushed under the rubble in front of the Kamal Adwan Hospital.