Ex-Spanish Minister Denounces Alignment with US in Arming Israeli Genocide in Gaza

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Former Spanish minister Ione Belarra heavily criticized the country's alignment with the United States, accusing the alliance of supporting the Israeli regime's "genocide" in Gaza.

Belarra's scathing remarks, posted on her X (formerly known as Twitter) account on Thursday, accused Spain of following US interests in the Red Sea, specifically in “arming Israel in the middle of a genocide...”.

The US has provided over 10,000 tons of military equipment to Israel since October 7, coinciding with Tel Aviv's escalated war on Gaza. Belarra highlighted the devastating toll, noting that over 20,000 Palestinian lives, including around 8,000 children, have been lost since the Israeli onslaught began.

Currently serving as the Secretary-General of Spain's ruling left-wing Podemos Party, Belarra criticized Madrid's backing of Washington's position on Israeli warfare, labeling it as “unbearable hypocrisy.” Her plea was unequivocal: “Not in our name. Break relations with Israel now.”

Belarra's ousting from her ministerial role for targeting the "deafening silence" of Spain and its Western allies regarding Tel Aviv's aggressions underscores her ongoing opposition to this alignment. Her calls for action were explicit, emphasizing the need for decisive steps against Israel.

In a prior statement, made in November on her X social media platform, Belarra expressed concerns about Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez's visit to the occupied Palestine, fearing it could serve to whitewash Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom she branded a "war criminal."