Yemen Issues Stern Warning on US-Backed Israel Continuing Gaza War

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Yemen's Defense Minister Major General Mohammad al-Atifi, cautioned of severe repercussions should Israel persist with its aggression on Gaza, vowing a forceful response against any violation of Palestinian rights or Yemen's sovereignty.

At a joint meeting of Yemen's military and security leaders, al-Atifi emphasized their readiness to employ potent measures against such actions.

"We are ready to deliver the harshest, most painful and powerful blow to the enemies if they continue to commit crimes against the Palestinian nation, or if they seek to violate and harm Yemen's security and sovereignty," affirmed Major General al-Atifi, a key figure in Yemen's National Salvation Government, on Wednesday.

Expressing Yemen's firm stance against Israeli aggression, al-Atifi asserted, "Yemen has many strategic options and will not hesitate to take them if deemed necessary," underlining the heightened alertness of all security forces to collaborate closely with the armed forces.

Yemeni forces have actively launched missile and drone attacks targeting vessels heading towards Israeli ports, extending support to Palestinians in Gaza and directing strikes across the occupied territories.

The Israeli war on Gaza has claimed the lives of over 21,000 Palestinians, primarily children and women, since the commencement of the Israeli military campaign on October 7.

Describing Yemen’s stance as rooted in moral and religious convictions aligned with international laws, al-Atifi reaffirmed the country's unwavering opposition to Israeli aggression.

During the meeting, Yemeni leaders cautioned the United States against its proposed Washington-led naval coalition in response to Yemeni attacks in the Red Sea, highlighting concerns about potential threats to international navigation.

"We will deter anyone who thinks of diverting the Yemeni Republic from its firm position towards the (Israeli regime's) oppression of the Palestinian people," the leaders affirmed.

Major General Abdul Karim al-Houthi, the Interior Minister of the National Salvation Government, echoed the sentiment, emphasizing the readiness of Yemeni security forces to collaborate closely with the Armed Forces under the directives of Yemen's leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi.

Last week, al-Houthi stated Yemen’s Armed Forces' resolve to target US military warships in the Red Sea if Washington and its allies initiate military strikes against Yemen, reinforcing Yemen's staunch opposition to external intervention.