IRGC Warns Israel of Flared Up Struggle after Assassination of Arouri

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps cautioned the Zionist regime that it will have to encounter more vigorous backlash from the Palestinian combatants, particularly in the West Bank, in the aftermath of assassination of Deputy Chief of the Political Bureau of Hamas Saleh al-Arouri.

In a statement released on Wednesday, the IRGC strongly condemned the Israeli drone strike on Beirut’s southern suburb of Dahiyeh that resulted in the martyrdom of Arouri and two other leaders of Hamas’ armed wing on Tuesday.

The IRGC described assassination and crime as the fake Israeli regime’s options for making up for the irreparable damages sustained in the October 7 Al-Aqsa Storm operation and evading the quagmire of Gaza.

The statement added that the most recent assassination attack will bring fresh blood into the resistance front, which has tightened the noose around the Zionist regime, and embolden the Palestinian fighters across the occupied territories, specifically in the West Bank, to struggle against the occupiers with steely determination.

It also reminded the Israeli regime that the “strategic patience” of Hezbollah and the resistance front won’t deviate from the orbit of rationality and logic under the influence of the sinister wishes of the Zionist regime and its proponents.

Denouncing the fatal assassination attack as a violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty, the statement said it revealed that “the continuation of lunacy, barbarism, and passion for belligerency” constitute the Zionist regime’s evil strategy sponsored by the terrorist US government.

The IRGC added that the Israeli regime’s humiliating defeat in the Al-Aqsa Storm operation won’t be healed with such acts of terror and crime, because the Zionist regime, already brought to its knees, is unable to ruin the calculations of resistance.