Iran Ready for Comprehensive Transportation Deal with Turkey

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian minister of roads and urban development expressed the country’s readiness to compile and finalize a comprehensive document on transportation and transit with neighboring Turkey.

In a meeting with Turkish Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloglu in Turkey, Mehrdad Bazrpash voiced Iran’s readiness to develop cooperation in the road, rail, air and maritime sectors with Turkey and sign a comprehensive transportation document with the neighboring state.

Bazrpash, who is also the head of Iran-Turkey Joint Economic Cooperation Commission, held separate meetings with senior Turkish officials during his trip to exchange views about the trade and economic ties between the two countries.

Iran attaches great importance to its relations with the neighbors in all sectors, Bazrpash stated and underlined that the two countries can bring about peace, stability and welfare in the region.

The Iranian minister also put forward a series of proposals on cooperation among the regional countries regarding the transit corridors (International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), according to Tahlilbazaar website.

Hailing a considerable increase in the trade exchanges between Tehran and Ankara, Bazrpash discussed various issues during his stay in Turkey, including the high transit capacity of Iran and the promotion of economic cooperation.

The value of trade exchanges between Iran and Turkey in the first 11 months of 2023 hit $5 billion, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) said last week.