Retaliatory Drone Strikes Hit US-Occupied Bases in Syria, Iraq

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iraqi resistance forces launched drone strikes on three US-occupied military bases in Syria and Iraq, citing Washington’s support for Israeli onslaught against the Gaza Strip as the motive behind the attacks.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, a coalition of anti-terror fighters, claimed responsibility for drone strikes on US-occupied bases in Syria's al-Tanf region and al-Shaddadi town in retaliation for US support during the Israeli war on Gaza. The strikes targeted the al-Harir Air Base in Iraq's Kurdistan region, signifying a coordinated response against US backing of Israel's atrocities.

Reports on damage or casualties resulting from these strikes are not immediately available, leaving the extent of impact unclear. The United States, a primary supporter of Israel, has been supplying arms and ammunition during the war on Gaza and has consistently opposed UN Security Council resolutions advocating for the cessation of Israeli aggression.

Iraq’s prime minister has announced plans to establish a bilateral committee for the withdrawal of US troops, a move signaled following a US drone strike that killed a leader of Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba, a faction within Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU). The prime minister reiterated the country's stance on ending the presence of the international coalition forces, emphasizing the need to conclude their existence as their initial justifications no longer apply.

The announcement coincided with a memorial event marking the anniversary of the US assassination of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the former deputy head of the PMF, killed in a US drone strike alongside Iranian commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad airport in January 2020.

The prime minister's statements underscored Iraq's resolve to end the presence of international coalition forces involved in activities without proper permits or international mandates, allegedly leading to civilian casualties and exploitation of the country’s resources.