Human Rights Watch Warns of Dire Humanitarian Situation in Gaza

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Director of Palestine and Israel at Human Rights Watch (HRW) Omar Shakir emphasized the urgent need for a ceasefire in Gaza, stating that after 100 days of war on the enclavea, the humanitarian situation is catastrophic.

Shakir warned that more lives in Gaza are at risk due to disease and starvation than from the Israeli military attacks, which have already claimed thousands of lives and displaced the "vast majority of the population."

“We continue to have scores of bodies piling up every single day. The majority of them are civilians. They include thousands of children,” Shakir told Al Jazeera.

“According to local authorities, more than 23,000 killed. The majority of homes damaged or destroyed. You have a reality where people are starving,” he said.

“This is not an accident. This is a deliberate Israeli government policy. Aid is not reaching north Gaza. The majority of hospitals have been damaged. You have a situation that is simply unsustainable,” he added.

He highlights the deliberate Israeli regime’s policy, preventing aid from reaching north Gaza and causing significant damage to most hospitals. Shakir describes the current situation as unsustainable, emphasizing, "This can't continue to go on. Lives hang in the balance."