Iran Not to Tolerate ‘Any Israeli Operation from Any Country’: Official

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran issued a stern warning, saying it will not tolerate any operation by the Israeli regime targeting the Iranian nation and government, regardless of the country from which the threats emanate.

The announcement came during a phone call between Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali-Akbar Ahmadian and Iraqi National Security Adviser Qasim al-Araji on Wednesday, in which the officials emphasized the joint efforts to ensure the security of the two neighboring countries.

Ahmadian told his Iraqi counterpart that “any action against the Iranian nation and government by the Israeli regime, no matter which country the threats come from, will not be tolerated in any way,”

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani echoed these sentiments, asserting that Iran would respond decisively and strongly to any threats “no matter where they come from,” adding that the country’s response would be “proportionate, decisive and strong.”

On Tuesday, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) carried out missile strikes against the bases of anti-Iran terrorists and facilities run by the Israeli Mossad spy agency in Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region and Syria.

The IRGC said in a statement that the Mossad center was used “to develop espionage operations and plan acts of terrorism” across the region, especially in Iran.

The missile strike was in response to recent assassinations of resistance front commanders, particularly those of the IRGC, by the Zionist regime. Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani labeled the attack as a retaliatory operation to defend Iran’s sovereignty and security against the terrorism threat.

Iran has consistently warned Iraqi Kurdistan’s local authorities against the presence and activity of terrorist groups along its northwestern borders. The IRGC has conducted multiple strikes in Iraq’s Kurdistan since September 2022, with a commitment to continue until the groups are disarmed.

On March 19 last year, Iran and Iraq signed a security agreement in Baghdad, focusing on coordinating efforts to protect their shared border. As part of the deal, Iraq pledged to disarm terrorist and separatist groups in the Kurdistan region, vacate their military barracks, and relocate them to camps established by the Baghdad government by September 19.