FATF Agrees to Remove Iran from List of Recommendation 7

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Financial Action task Force (FATF) has agreed to remove Iran from the list of Recommendation 7, Iran’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance (MEAF) said.

After Iran’s removal from the FATF’s list of recommendation 7, Ehsan Khandouzi said, the risk of the trade exchanges with Iran will be mitigated in the international arena and this move will be in the interest of the international interactions of the country.

Following a letter of protest released by the ministry and agreement of the FATF with Iran’s request to remove some financial restrictions, Iran was removed from the list of recommendation 7 and this issue has been emailed and forwarded to all countries in the world, Khandouzi added.

As a result, the risk of the trade exchanges with Iran will lessen, he added. 

FATF Recommendation 7 is about targeted sanctions related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, which requires countries to take the stated measures, such as confiscation of funds and assets of designated persons, without delay, in line with the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).