US, UK Attacks on Yemen to Escalate Regional Tensions, Iran Warns

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The foreign minister of Iran said Washington and London’s “strategic mistake” of military action against Yemen will only worsen regional conflicts.

In a meeting with Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres in New York on Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian reaffirmed Iran’s commitment to protecting the security of navigation and shipping routes following the recent developments in the Red Sea.

He noted that the US and the UK have made a “strategic mistake” by launching strikes against Yemen and the Ansarullah forces, warning that such a mistake will spread the extent of tensions and conflicts across the region.

Amirabdollahian noted that the purpose of Yemen’s Ansarullah forces in halting the Israel-bound vessels is to force the Zionist regime to stop its crimes and massacre of people in Gaza.

Ansarullah has made it clear repeatedly that it attaches importance to maritime security and only takes actions against the Zionist regime’s vessels, he added.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Iranian foreign minister hailed the UN chief’s efforts to end the massacre of people in Gaza, stressing the need for the immediate cessation of Israeli strikes on Palestine.

He called on Guterres to step up consultations to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid supplies into Gaza.

For his part, the UN chief condemned the Israeli war on Gaza, emphasizing the necessity for the formation of an independent Palestinian state that protects the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination.

Guterres expressed concern about the spread of regional tensions in the wake of the recent incidents in the Red Sea, saying the UN has focused efforts on ending the wars and relieving the pains of people.

He also highlighted the important role that Iran plays in strengthening regional peace and stability.