Road Freight Transport in Iran Breaks Ten-Year Record in 2023

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The performance report of the transport sector in Iran shows increases in nine indices when compared to the best records in the last ten years.

Based on the latest performance report of the transport sector published by Iran's Ministry of Roads and Urban Development (MRUD) during nine months from March 2023 to December 2023, nine indices in the road, rail, and maritime sectors have had growths in 2023 compared to the best records in the last ten years. 

In the road sector, road freight transport with 426 million tons shows 11 percent growth. The best record was last year with 383 million tons for nine months and 505 million tons for the whole year. 

Similarly, road transit with 9.8 million tons shows 6 percent growth compared to the best record in 2014; while the number of road freight fleets shows a 3 percent growth compared to 2014, according to the website of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development. 

In the rail sector, rail passenger transport with 24 million passengers shows 9 percent growth, number of locomotives with 1001 shows 2 percent and number of freight wagons with 30,874 wagons shows 5 percent growth compared to the best record in the last ten years. 

In the maritime sector, commercial port throughput with 286 million tons shows 5 percent growth. Passenger transport with 13.5 million passengers recorded one percent increase, while passenger capacity of ports with 25.1 million passengers showed a 0.4 percent growth. 

Best records for the above-mentioned indices during ten years were mainly in 2023., the report added.