Iran Raps US’ Threat of Reinstatement of Oil Sanctions on Venezuela

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson lashed out at the US for threatening to reimpose sanctions on Venezuela’s oil sector.

In a statement on Thursday, Nasser Kanaani condemned the US’ threat of reimposition of sanctions on Venezuelan oil.

The Iranian spokesman slammed the US’ threats as “direct interference in the internal affairs of  countries and the violation of the UN Charter.”

He also noted that the continuation of such actions will only strengthen the determination and cooperation of the independent states in standing against such interfering US policies.

“The US’ utilization of sanctions as a weapon against the other countries is in violation of the rights of governments and nations, human rights, and the international law norms,” Kanaani added.

His comments came after US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said that without progress toward allowing all candidates to participate in Venezuela’s upcoming elections, sanctions on Venezuelan oil will be reimposed.

Miller threatened that the US will also revoke sanctions relief on the Venezuelan state-owned gold mining company.

The Biden administration announced in October 2023 that it was lifting sanctions on Venezuelan oil after Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s government signed an election reform agreement that included allowing international observers to monitor its elections.