Iran Admires AU for Supporting Palestine

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Foreign Ministry of Iran praised the African Union’s leaders for condemning the Israeli regime’s onslaught on Gaza and supporting Palestine.

In comments on Sunday night, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani hailed the communiqué of the 37th African Union summit that has called for a halt to Israeli crimes against the people of Palestine.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran expresses its categorical support for the contents of the statement that signifies the African Union, leaders, and nations’ commitment to the precious right-advocating and humanitarian causes regarding Palestine,” he said.

The Iranian spokesman noted that such humanitarian stances coupled with international support for Palestine will tighten the noose around the Zionist warmongers and criminals and their sponsors, pave the way for an end to the war on Gaza and the West Bank, and help relieve the pains of Palestinians.

Leaders at an African Union summit in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on Saturday condemned Israel’s offensive in Gaza and called for its immediate end.

Moussa Faki, the chair of the African Union Commission, said the Israeli regime’s offensive was the “most flagrant” violation of international humanitarian law and accused Israel of having “exterminated” Gaza’s inhabitants.

At least 127 people have been killed in Israeli strikes on Gaza in the past 24 hours. Israeli bombardment has killed at least 28,985 Palestinians and wounded 68,883 since October 7.