Yemeni Forces to Strike US, UK Targets within Firing Range: Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Yemen’s ambassador to Iran said the country’s armed forces will target any American and British assets "within firing range" in response to recent acts of aggression on Yemeni soil.

Ibrahim Mohammad al-Deilami made the statement in comments published by IRNA on Sunday, highlighting Yemen’s naval operations against Israeli shipping in the Red Sea in support of Palestinians in Gaza. These operations have caused significant economic losses for Israel, leading the United States and the UK to launch strikes on Yemeni provinces in retaliation.

"The actions of the Yemeni people and army are a natural response in line with supporting the oppressed and preventing oppression," Deilami stated. He emphasized Yemen's commitment to supporting the Palestinian people until the end of the aggression and the lifting of the blockade imposed on Gaza.

Deilami criticized the US and UK for their aggression and stated, "The operations that we are conducting with all our might against the goals and interests of the US and Britain in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea are part of these responses. Now we are engaged in an all-out conflict with them we will strike every enemy target within firing range."

Yemen's Armed Forces spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree earlier confirmed that the country's naval units had targeted a British oil tanker in the Red Sea in retaliation for recent US-UK aggression.

He praised the attack as a “triumph” for Palestinians and vowed to continue military operations against Israeli shipping until the aggression stops and the siege on Gaza is lifted.

Since November, Yemen’s armed forces have targeted Israeli ships and those bound for Israeli ports in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza, who have faced five months of intense Israeli airstrikes and a ground invasion. This has prompted some shipping companies to detour around southern Africa to avoid the Red Sea, which normally handles about 12 percent of global maritime trade. The Yemeni army has assured that only Israeli, US, and British ships are targeted, ensuring the safety of cargoes from other countries.