West Plays with Fire, Russia Warns about NATO Troops in Ukraine

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Western countries are playing with fire when discussing the possibility of sending their troops to Ukraine, the Russian presidential spokesman said.

Speaking to reporters, Dmitry Peskov described as dangerous the fact that such an idea was mentioned by French President Emmanuel Macron.

Peskov said that Moscow is hearing "many contradictory statements" from the West about sending NATO troops to Ukraine, but "the very fact of this discussion is dangerous," TASS reported.

"They are all playing with fire," Peskov warned. He added that together with German officers’ discussion of strikes on Russia all this leads "to a further degradation of the situation."

"Of course, this is extremely irresponsible behavior," he added.

He added that Moscow was keen to achieve its goals and that "Russia is open to political and diplomatic ways of achieving them."