Pro-Resistance Forces to Hold Maritime Parades in Support of Palestine

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Voluntary sailors in Iran’s northern and southern coastal regions and their peers in a number of ports across the world will attend maritime parades on April 4 to demonstrate solidarity with the people of Palestine, the IRGC Navy commander said.

Rear Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri said on Friday that the maritime parade is scheduled for April 4 to express support for the oppressed people of Palestine and vent anger over the Zionist regime’s onslaught on Gaza.

The maritime parades, to be held ahead of the International Quds Day, will include the vessels of the popular Basij force of the IRGC Navy, he added.

Local sailors along the southern and northern coasts of Iran will take part in the parades that will be held simultaneously in a number of ports across the world, the commander stated.

Rear Admiral Tangsiri noted that over 3,000 light and heavy vessels of the popular forces will attend the parades in 13 sites in the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf to voice support for Palestine.

The commander also stated that the vessels of pro-resistance popular forces in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon will attend simultaneous maritime parades and hoist the flag of Palestine on April 4.