Global Condemnation Follows Israel’s Deadly Strike on Iran Consulate in Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Strong condemnation from regional resistance groups and international actors poured in following Israel’s lethal attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, fueling concerns of heightened tensions.

Many regional resistance groups and governments around the world have sharply condemned the Israeli regime's deadly attack on the Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital Damascus, calling it a formula for more violence.

Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, an IRGC commander, and his deputy, as well as five other military advisers, were martyred in the Monday attack.

Hossein Akbari, Iran's Ambassador to Damascus, confirmed that seven people were martyred in the attack.

In response to the atrocity, the Gaza Strip-based Palestinian resistance movement Hamas condemned it "in the strongest terms." It described the attack as "a flagrant violation of international law, an encroachment on Syrian and Iranian sovereignty, and a dangerous Zionist escalation."

The movement called on the United Nations Security Council to take "effective" action to stop the regime's aggression in the region, which "adds fuel to the fire and undermines international stability and security."

Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance movement stated that Martyr Zahedi's "pure blood will result in more determination to resist and confront the arrogant Israeli enemy."

It stated that the Israeli government would be "foolish" to believe that such assassinations could "stop the roaring tide of people's resistance."

“This crime will certainly not go without the enemy receiving punishment and revenge.”

The Islamic Jihad, Hamas’ fellow Gaza-based resistance group, called the attack “treacherous.”

“This cowardly Zionist attack is an attempt by the enemy to expand aggression and escape failure in Gaza,” it said, referring to the Israeli regime’s ongoing war on the Gaza Strip.

“We affirm that the enemy will continue to fail, and will be defeated on all fronts,” the movement concluded.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the second-largest component of the Palestine Liberation Organization umbrella group, called the attack "a significant escalation and organized state terrorism."

"The Zionist entity is intent on dragging the region into significant escalation," it said, but warned that doing so would "plunge its citizens into a bloodbath and disasters they cannot bear."

Fatah al-Intifada, another Palestinian resistance movement, said the Israeli aggression would fail to undermine Tehran's role and the role of the Axis of Resistance, “which will continue to support the Palestinian people and their resistance in occupied Palestine until Palestine is liberated from the filth of the Zionist enemy.”

Iraq's Kata'ib Hezbollah anti-terror group extended its condolences to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, referring to the attack as “criminal Zionist-American aggression.”

Hissein Brahim Taha, secretary-general of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, “strongly” condemned the aggression and expressed solidarity with the Iranian people and government.

Several countries, including Pakistan, Oman, Iraq, and Russia, condemned the Israeli aggression, with Moscow describing it as "unacceptable."

In Yemen, Ali al-Qahoum, a member of the popular resistance movement Ansarullah's Political Bureau, said the invasion demonstrated the Zionist entity's persistence in committing crimes and breaching Syrian sovereignty.

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated, "We condemn the targeting of the Iranian consulate building in Damascus and denounce the targeting of diplomatic facilities for any cause."