Official Vows Iran Stronger, Faster Response to New Israeli Mistake

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister warned Israeli regime against taking any new action against Tehran, saying Iran will show stronger and faster response within seconds.

Speaking at a national TV program on Monday, Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Ali Baqeri pointed to Israel's April 1 attack against Iranian consular section in Damascus, and said the move provided the necessary legitimacy for Iran to seriously test its military capabilities.

In the early hours of Sunday, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force launched tens of missiles and drones in retaliation for the Israeli regime’s April 1 airstrike that killed seven Iranian military commanders and advisers in Syria.

The IRGC commander said authentic reports about the Iranian missiles that have hit the Israeli targets indicate that the retaliatory operation has been considerably more successful than expected.

Baqeri further asked Israeli authorities to be rational and “not repeat such mistake again”.

“ They should expect that in case of repeating the mistake, they will receive a harder, faster and more urgent blow."

“They (Zionist leaders) should know that they will no longer have a 12-day long chance and the answer they receive will not be measured in days and hours, but in seconds,” Baqeri added.

The diplomat underlined that Iran does not favor tension, but at the same time warned that Tehran will not allow any harm to the country's security and national sovereignty.

“It is a basic principle and all other frameworks are based on this principle,” he noted.

Baqeri also told supporters of Israel that Iran will target the interests of those who want to provide help for Israeli regime in any way.