Another Iranian University Embraces Students Expelled for Gaza Activism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Another Iranian university has offered scholarships to students in the United States and Europe who have been expelled for participating in pro-Palestinian demonstrations on campuses, following a crackdown on protesters across the West.

Seyed Mahmoud Aghamiri, dean of Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, on Thursday extended his proposal to those protesting Israel's genocide in Gaza.

"We accept students who have been expelled from European and American universities for protesting against the actions of the Zionists," Aghamiri said. "We have considered scholarship for these students and we fully cover the cost of education, dormitory and accommodation."

The move came after Shiraz University became the first academic center to offer students and even professors who have been expelled or threatened with expulsion in the US to continue their studies at the prestigious school in Iran.

Aghamiri said the university also provides "special support to Palestinian students whose lives have been affected" as a result of the Israeli aggression.

Students in the United States and Europe have faced arrest or expulsion as a result of their demonstrations in support of a ceasefire in Gaza and their universities' divestment from companies that support Israel.

Demonstrators have gathered on at least 30 US university campuses since last month, often erecting tent camps to protest the Israeli genocidal war in the Gaza Strip.

University campuses in Australia, Canada, France, Italy and the UK have also been the scene of pro-Palestinian protests.

On Thursday, students on UK campuses set up encampments demanding that their institutions divest from companies involved in the arms trade with Israel.

Around 100 pro-Palestinian students occupied the entrance hall of a building at the University of Lausanne (UNIL) in Switzerland, demanding an academic boycott of Israeli institutions and an immediate and permanent halt to the war in Gaza.

At the University of California, Los Angeles, hundreds of police officers wearing helmets descended upon the scene of a pro-Palestinian demonstration. They fired flash bangs, detained protesters, and broke up the demonstrators' camp.