Tunisian Scholar Urges Muslim Unity Through Quranic Teachings

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A Tunisian Islamic scholar has issued a call for Muslim unity, emphasizing the importance of embracing Quranic principles and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) descendants.

Sayyid Muhammad al-Tijani, a Shiite scholar from Tunisia and lecturer at Sorbonne University, delivered his message during a gathering at the Imam Reza (PBUH) shrine in Iran’s northeastern city of Mashhad on May 1, where he addressed approximately 165 Indonesian pilgrims.

Quoting a Quranic verse, Dr. Tijani asserted, "All of us must move on this path and follow one goal. This is not possible unless we obey the Quran and the Prophet’s descendants.”

Highlighting the common reverence for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Quran, Dr. Tijani lamented the discord within the Muslim community, attributing it to differing interpretations of religious texts. He stated, “Our disagreement stems from different interpretations of the Quran... These different views have led to our disunity.”

Tijani also emphasized the importance of reducing disagreements among Muslims and demonstrating unity as a cohesive Ummah.

He finally highlighted that Imam Ali (PBUH) is the key to unity, and that Muslims should learn from him how to be true Muslims by means of Quranic teachings.