Yemeni Forces Issue Warning, Vow to Escalate Strikes in Solidarity with Gaza

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Yemen’s Armed Forces have issued a stark warning, indicating potential escalation in their support for Palestine should Israel persist with its aggressive campaign against the Gaza Strip.

Brigadier General Yahya Saree, spokesperson for the forces, delivered the warning in a speech on Monday, emphasizing the significance of Gaza in their stance. "Gaza is a red line for us, a red line. Our causes, holy sites, and our Islam are red lines, and we will not compromise on them," he stressed.

Saree further outlined the determination of Yemen’s Armed Forces to pursue unconventional methods in their support for Palestine. "We target things that the enemy hasn't thought of and can't imagine, things that neither the Yemeni people nor the people of the (Arab and Islamic) nation can imagine," he stated.

Yemen began the strikes after October 7, when the Israeli regime launched the war against Gaza that has so far killed more than 35,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children.

Yemen's military initially targeted Israeli vessels bound for occupied Palestinian ports, expanding their scope to encompass targets within the occupied territories and vessels traversing the Indian Ocean. These actions were in response to Israel's refusal to cease hostilities and its imposition of a blockade on Gaza.

In a recent development, Brigadier General Saree announced the initiation of the fourth phase of pro-Palestinian operations, signaling a heightened focus on ships destined for Israeli ports in the Mediterranean Sea.

He additionally cautioned that Yemen would impose sanctions on ships affiliated with companies facilitating access to Israeli ports, irrespective of their nationality. Furthermore, he declared intentions to intercept vessels associated with these companies within the operational area of Yemen’s Armed Forces.

In a continuation of his Monday address, Saree underscored the resolve of Yemen’s military, hinting at further escalations in their support for Palestine should Israeli aggression persist. "By God's will and strength, we will reach the fifth and sixth stages (of our pro-Palestinian operations), if the enemy continues its aggression on Gaza," he affirmed.