US, NATO Policy in Central Asia Fraught with Danger of 'Color Revolutions': Diplomat

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The policy course of the US and its allies in NATO and the EU is fraught with risks of "color revolutions" in Central Asia, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin said.

Addressing the 4th Central Asian Conference of the Valdai Discussion Club, the senior diplomat stressed that the West "is not abandoning attempts to reformat the region to its liking, secure access to its natural resources, control adjacent transport corridors and turn Central Asia into a foothold to threaten Russia’s security."

Against this background, Russia "was and is a reliable partner of Central Asian countries," Galuzin said, TASS reported.

"A partner who resolutely stands for the sovereign right of Central Asian countries to their independent development in accordance with their long-term national interests and political and ethno-cultural traditions," he added.