Israeli Forces Seize over $1 Million from Palestinian Exchange Shops during Raids

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Israeli raids on Palestinian exchange shops in the occupied West Bank resulted in the seizure of more than $1 million, with four individuals detained.

The targeted exchange company, accused by Israel of ties with "terrorist groups," faced significant losses estimated at about 4 million shekels.

It's been another tumultuous night in the occupied West Bank, marked notably by raids on all 11 branches of a Palestinian exchange company, where four individuals were detained. Israeli authorities allege the company's involvement with "terrorist groups."

The exchange company reports losses exceeding $1 million, with confiscated computers, safes, and their contents, echoing similar raids conducted in December. Last time, losses amounted to nearly $300,000.

These recent raids occurred without legal proceedings; instead, Israeli forces issued accusations and distributed flyers linking any association with armed groups to terrorism, leaving the targeted businesses in disarray.

The absence of due process in these actions has sparked fear and suspicion among the people, indicative of a pattern of collective punishment where civilian businesses are accused of affiliations without evidence.

In tandem with the raids, Israeli forces arrested at least 12 Palestinians overnight from various governorates, including children and former prisoners, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society. Arrests took place in Ramallah, Hebron (al-Khalil), Jenin, Nablus, Tubas, and Qalqilya.

Additionally, large-scale raids were conducted on exchange shops across all governorates, intensifying tensions in the region.

In a separate incident, Israeli forces assaulted Palestinian farmers in the occupied West Bank, south of Bethlehem, as they tended to their land. Jaafar Assi, one of the farmers, recounted the attack and stated it was the third such incident during the grape season this year. Israeli authorities, he said, aim to seize control of agricultural lands in the area.

Assi said these lands constitute about 80 percent of al-Khader’s agricultural lands, and that Israeli authorities were trying to empty them.

The Palestine Red Crescent Society reported a grim toll of more than 15,000 children killed in Gaza, with over 35,000 fatalities from Israeli attacks since October 7. Moreover, at least 502 Palestinians were killed in assaults by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied West Bank.

The escalation in violence coincides with the rise of a far-right government in Israel at the end of 2022, which intensified military actions.

According to United Nations figures, 154 Palestinians were killed in the occupied West Bank in 2022 after Israel began near-daily raids in the territory.

Since October 7, Israel has used the cover of the war on Gaza to step up its attacks in the occupied West Bank and has become more brazen in using air power such as helicopters and drones to kill Palestinians. Israeli forces have killed many unarmed Palestinians.

“Israeli forces have (since October 7) unleashed a brutal wave of violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, carrying out unlawful killings, including by using lethal force without necessity or disproportionately during protests and arrest raids, and denying medical assistance to those injured,” Amnesty International said in February.

The UN has told Israel to halt unlawful killings in the occupied West Bank, emphasizing the need for accountability and denouncing incitement from Israeli officials. The occupied West Bank has remained under illegal Israeli occupation since 1967, with settlements deemed illegal under international law.

Despite UN rulings, Israel has established over 140 settlements on Palestinian land, which house hundreds of thousands of Israelis. The settlements restrict entry to Palestinians, including those who own the land they are built on.