Swedish City Proposes Ban on Purchases from Israel

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The governing body of Gothenburg, Sweden's second-largest city, is considering a halt on purchasing goods from Israel, as reported by Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter.

A coalition comprising the Swedish Social Democratic Party, Left Party, and the Green Party, which holds a majority in the municipality's governing committee, has suggested ceasing all procurement of items originating from states engaged in illegal occupations of other states.

Jonas Attenius, chairman of the municipal board in Gothenburg, emphasized in a press release, "Israel is conducting an illegal occupation of the West Bank that has only worsened in the shadow of the widespread killing of civilians in Gaza. Our tax money should not go to financially supporting occupation forces."

Since October 7, Israeli attacks in the besieged Gaza have resulted in the deaths of more than 35,000 individuals. Additionally, at least 502 Palestinians have been killed in assaults by Israeli forces and settlers across the occupied West Bank.

According to United Nations data, 154 Palestinians were killed in the occupied West Bank in 2022 following Israel's initiation of near-daily raids in the territory. Before October 7, 2023, had already seen the deaths of at least 199 Palestinians in the West Bank.

During this period, Israel intensified its attacks in the occupied West Bank under the guise of the Gaza conflict, employing air power like helicopters and drones to target Palestinians, including unarmed civilians.