Envoy Summoned over Sweden’s Anti-Iran Allegations

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The chargé d'affaires of Sweden to Tehran was called in by the Iranian Foreign Ministry in protest at the unfounded accusations a Swedish official has made against Iran.

Following the “baseless and spiteful” accusations leveled by a Swedish official against Iran, the temporary chargé d'affaires of the Swedish embassy in Tehran was summoned to the Foreign Ministry on Saturday, the ministry’s website reported.

In a meeting, the assistant of the Foreign Ministry’s General Directorate for Western Europe expressed Iran’s strong protest, saying the Swedish official’s statements are based on false information induced under the influence of the Zionist regime.

The Iranian diplomat rejected the Swedish official’s accusations, stressing that such baseless claims show the intention of some quarters in Sweden to destroy the long-standing relations between the two countries.

The Swedish authorities are expected to be more wary of suspicious moves, the Foreign Ministry official said.

The Swedish chargé d'affaires, for his part, said he will immediately covey Iran’s protest to the government of Sweden.

It came a day after a number of Western news agencies reported that Daniel Stenling, head of counter-espionage for the Swedish intelligence, had alleged that Iran was “recruiting members of Swedish gangs to target the Israeli regime’s interests” in the European country.