War on Iran Off the Table: IRGC Chief

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The enemies have come to the conclusion that military action against Iran is a non-viable option, the commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps said, adding that hostile plots to isolate Iran have backfired as the US and Israel are on the decline.

“Today the hypothesis about the probability of war against the Islamic Republic of Iran and the (military) options on the table have been disproved,” Major General Hossein Salami said in a speech at a meeting of Basij representatives in the Iranian universities on Sunday.

He said proof of the impossibility of war against Iran is that enthusiasm for investment in Iran has grown as the country continues to make economic progress regardless of the political developments.

The direct influence that Iran has on the international political equations at present and the fact that regional security could not be ensured without Iran indicate that the hostile plots to isolate the Islamic Republic have ended in failure, he added.

“Today our enemies, namely the Americans, the Zionists and parts of Europe are in isolation. They have been morally and politically degraded and their deeds go counter to their words,” the commander stated.

In remarks in March 2023, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei highlighted the enemies’ failure to isolate Iran, saying, “We have also made progress in foreign relations. The West applied pressure to isolate Iran. The US and Europe applied pressure so Iran would become isolated. In foreign relations, the term isolation means cutting all ties with other countries. When countries do not have any relations with a certain country, they say that country is isolated. What happened in reality was the opposite. Yes, our relations with the West weakened. We had no relations with the US to begin with, and our relations with Europe weakened as well. But our relations with Asia have become one-hundred percent stronger, and we will continue to strengthen it. We will continue our political, economic, technological, and scientific relations with the prominent Asian countries.”