Iran Condemns Bolivia Coup Attempt

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the recent coup attempt in Bolivia and called for the restoration of democracy and the return of power to the legitimate government.

Nasser Kanani, the spokesperson for Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responded to the coup attempt in Bolivia, saying: "We condemn the coup against the foundations of democracy and the aggression against democratic institutions and the legitimate government in Bolivia, and we emphasize the restoration of order and law and the return of power to the legitimate government of this country."

Last night, a faction of Bolivian army forces, led by General Juan Jose Zuniga, assembled in "Plaza Murillo" square.

A tank then struck the presidential building, and some army forces entered the building.

However, the coup ultimately failed due to the lack of cooperation from some senior army commanders.

Bolivian television later aired scenes of citizens gathering around the presidential palace and singing the national anthem.

Bolivian media reported that the return of the military to the barracks was ordered by José Wilson Sánchez, a Bolivian military officer who currently serves as the army chief.

Meanwhile, Bolivian President Luis Arce announced during a press conference that General Zuniga, the leader of the coup plotters in the capital, had been arrested.

The Bolivian prosecutor's office also stated that a criminal investigation file has been opened against Zunica on charges of causing terror and armed rebellion.