Spokesman Refutes US Envoy’ Interfering Comments on Iran Presidential Polls

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry dismissed the interfering comments that the deputy special envoy of the US for Iran has made about the ongoing Iranian presidential election.

In a post on his X account on Friday, Nasser Kanaani denounced the comments by the deputy special envoy of the US for Iran about the Iranian presidential election as quite “absurd and blatant interference”.

He was reacting to comments from Abram Paley, who has questioned free and fair elections in Iran.

Kanaani said such worthless remarks by the US officials will get nowhere, as the Iranian nation will give a decisive response to those interfering American comments with a high and effective turnout in the ongoing presidential election.

“The world’s nations have seen the results of American democracy inside that country (the US) and in various parts of the world and have experienced its bitter taste. For instance, the result of American democracy and human rights in the occupied territories is the criminals that are internationally notorious for occupation, racism, war, bloodshed, and terrorist activities,” the Iranian spokesman said.

He then hit back at the US for suppressing the university students and professors protesting against the genocide of Palestinians in the occupied territories.

Highlighting the Iranian people’s direct role in deciding the Islamic Republic’s political fate, Kanaani said the totalitarian American authorities are unable to understand the nature of the fair and healthy elections in Iran.

Iran is holding the 14th presidential election on Friday, June 28. The polls take place a year ahead of schedule, as Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi passed away in May.

In remarks after voting on Friday morning, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said the Islamic Republic is based upon the presence of the people. “The continuation of the Islamic Republic, the strength of the Islamic Republic, the dignity of the Islamic Republic, and the honor of the Islamic Republic in the world depend on the participation of the people.”

“The participation of the people is necessary and obligatory in order to demonstrate the validity and honesty of the system of the Islamic Republic,” the Leader said.