Any NATO Extension to Asia Will End in Failure, Chinese Newspaper Writes

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The majority of Asian countries oppose the North Atlantic Alliance’s moves to stretch its tentacles further in the Asia-Pacific region, the Global Times wrote, warning that such plans by NATO will only end in failure.

"The Asia-Pacific region doesn't welcome NATO's meddling in the region," the authors said in an opinion piece.

"Forcibly meddling in regional affairs will inevitably provoke stronger opposition against the transatlantic military bloc," they added, TASS reported.

According to the newspaper, the alliance has already brought instability to Europe and may do so in Asia. "The vast majority of countries in the region want the US-led NATO to stop creating tensions, peddling the Cold War mentality, and provoking bloc confrontations in the region," the Global Times emphasized.

According to the authors, the North Atlantic Alliance is an instrument that the United States is aiming to use not only to contain China, but also to control the entire Asia-Pacific region. For this purpose, the West is seeking to strengthen cooperation with its regional allies, namely Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, in cybersecurity, disinformation and other areas.

However, a Chinese expert told the newspaper, it is impossible for NATO to establish a similar alliance in the Asia-Pacific region which he said "is fundamentally different from Europe in terms of ideology, values, and geography." "NATO extending its influence further into Asia-Pacific will only end in failure," the newspaper concluded.

Washington is hosting a NATO summit on July 9-11. Bloc leaders are expected to focus on their confrontation with Russia and more military support for Ukraine.