Global Support Emerges for ICJ Ruling Against Israeli Occupation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) ruling that Israel's occupation of Palestinian land is unlawful has been welcomed by multiple countries and human rights organizations, urging immediate international action to enforce the ruling.

Oman's Foreign Ministry issued a statement on X, welcoming the ICJ ruling that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land violates international law and must end.

The sultanate called on the international community to implement resolutions and conventions demanding an immediate end to the illegal occupation and the cycle of violence in the Palestinian territories.

"The Sultanate of Oman also renews its position calling for granting the Palestinian people their inalienable right to establish their independent state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital," the statement concluded, according to Aljazeera.

Slovenia has also welcomed the ICJ's advisory opinion that the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory is "unlawful."

In a statement, the Slovenian Foreign Ministry called on the UN and member states to take adequate steps to implement the ICJ’s interpretation of international law.

Yesterday, the ICJ declared in its advisory opinion that the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory was "illegal" and that Israeli regime must end its presence in the occupied territories as soon as possible.

The court also found that Israel must compensate for the material and moral losses of individuals in the occupied Palestinian territory.

Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq stated that the ICJ ruling is the "first step" towards undoing the "generational harm" of Israel's illegal presence, apartheid, aggressive settlement expansion, and ongoing mass displacement of Palestinians.

In a series of posts on social media, Al-Haq said the ICJ ruling was also a "stark reminder" to states and business corporations to "take concrete action against Israel’s crimes" and push for an end to the Israeli military and settler presence in Palestine.

"Al-Haq welcomes the findings that settlers be removed from the settlements, Palestinians returned to their properties, and for full restitution of land and properties. The opinion endorses the decades-long calls by Palestinians, the UN, & legal experts," the rights group said.

Breaking the Silence, an advocacy group of Israeli military veterans, has issued a blistering critique of Israel’s policy towards Palestinians following the ICJ ruling on the unlawfulness of the West Bank’s occupation.

Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land was "always immoral" as well as illegal, the veterans' advocacy group said.

"We would know. We were amongst those sent to maintain a military dictatorship over millions," the group stated.

"We were the ones sent to uphold apartheid in the West Bank and a suffocating siege on Gaza, while the establishment claimed 'we left Gaza'."

"We guarded settlements and outposts while also demolishing houses in the nearby Palestinian villages."

"The occupation must end. Not because of the ICJ. Because decades of tyranny are a moral disgrace which corrupts and distorts us all. Because ultimately, the occupation takes the lives of so many innocent souls."