1st Iranian Cargo Train to Head to China Today

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The first freight train will leave Iran for China on Sunday in a ceremony to be attended by CEO of the Islamic Republic of Iran Railways Miad Salehi and the Chinese, Kazakh and Turkmen envoys to Iran.

About 10 days ago, the first Chinese train headed to Iran.

China’s Xi’an transit train headed to Iran to improve the transit situation of the country in transferring Chinese goods to West Asia and Europe.

The arrival of the Chinese transit train to Iran can develop the Chinese product market in Iran.

The train entered Iran after passing from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan within 10 days via Incheh Boroun Border Terminal.

The relations between Iran and China have been growing in recent years, especially following effective measures taken by the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

Given the 25-Year Strategic Partnership Contract inked between Iran and China, these measures will help develop the relations between the two countries significantly.