US Subjugates Europe to Its Interests: Lavrov

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The United States looks upon Europe as its rival and is seeking to bring it to heel, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

"Europe is seen by the United States as a rival, as are Russia and China. Today, we see Europe bowing down to the United States when Germany, the backbone of the European political and economic system, silently swallowed the terror attack on the Nord Streams, which undermined the fundament of its economic and social wellbeing, as if that was the way it should be," Lavrov said at a meeting with heads of Russian non-profit organizations, TASS reported.

According to Lavrov, Europe’s ongoing deindustrialization is what Washington has long been seeking, i.e. "not to let Russia and Germany have closer relations."

The United States, he said, sees Europe and Russia’s robust growth as a threat, as they have huge amounts of resources and access to the latest technologies.

Despite this, alternative centers of power are emerging and the global South and East are consolidating their positions, Lavrov stressed.