Ending Ukrainian Conflict Serves US Interests: Trump

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump did not answer the question whether Washington benefits from the Kiev authorities' victory in the conflict in Ukraine, saying instead that it is in the US interests to end the fighting and reach a peace deal.

"I think it’s the US best interest to get this war (the Ukrainian conflict) finished and just get it done - negotiate a deal because we have to stop all of these human lives being destroyed," he said in response to a related question from the host of the televised debate with Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

He also criticized incumbent US President Joe Biden for the lack of contacts with Russia on the settlement of the Ukrainian conflict, TASS reported.

"Biden had no idea how to talk to (his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin). He had no idea how to stop it (the Ukrain war), and now you have millions of people dead, and it’s only getting worse," Trump said.

He also said that he has good relations with both Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelensky, which will allow him to settle the conflictas soon as he is elected president.