دورهمی ۲۶۹ عامل نفوذ در «گعده فوق سری بیلدربرگ» + اسامی

دورهمی 269 عامل نفوذ در «گعده فوق سری بیلدربرگ» + اسامی

عکس گزارش، متعلق به هنری کیسینجر، استراتژیست ارشد، صهیونیست یهودی امریکایی و عضو ثابت گعده فوق‌سری «بیلدربرگ» است. ترکیب، ملیت و مشروح اسامی گعده «بیلدربرگ ۱۶-۲۰۱۴» و موضوعات مطرح شده از سال ۱۹۵۴ تاکنون، به روایت سایت این کنفرانس، را اینجا ببینید.

به گزارش خبرنگار اقتصادی خبرگزاری تسنیم، پرونده ویژه «مزرعه پدری» {آرشیو اینجا} در خبرگزاری تسنیم به بررسی فرصتها و چالشهای راهبردی و پایه کشاورزی کشور می‌پردازد. ذیل این پرونده، در سلسله گزارشهای «ایران؛ ایری؛ راکفلر» {آرشیو اینجا} و با استفاده از منابع و مستندات خود بنیادها و جریانهای صهیونیستی، سابقه بیش از یک قرن دست‌اندازی صهیونیزم جهانی به مقوله حیاتی غذا و کشاورزی روشن شد. این مستندات تا آنجا پیش رفت که مشخص شد بنیاد صهیونیستی راکفلر با تشکیل گعده‌ای سالانه متشکل از شخصیتهای تأثیرگذار بین‌المللی، در ترسیم نقشه راه یک ساله جهان (یا به قول سایت مجموعه «ابَرروندها» - MegaTrends) مؤثر است. {دسترسی به مشروح گزارش تسنیم، اینجا}

در گزارشهای پیشین ذکر شد که اطلاعات و اخبار رسانه‌ها از این کنفرانس سالانه، عموماً متقن و قابل اتکا نیست. اظهارنظرها درخصوص این سمینار، طیف وسیعی از انحرافها ــ از مکاتب ماسونی تا شیطان‌پرستی ــ را خاستگاه این گعده می‌دانند؛ که البته بسیاری از این اظهارنظرها مستند نیست. همچنین افرادی در سطح بین‌المللی وجود دارند که مشهور است دهه‌های متمادی از زندگی حرفه‌ای خود را صرف شناسایی این محفل کرده‌اند. بدیهی است آرای این افراد نیز قطعی و قابل اتکا نیست.

در این میان فهرست اعضا و موضوعات این دورهمی سالانه ــ که در سایت رسمی این کنفرانس درج شده ــ تاحدود زیادی قابل استناد است. با توجه به سطح بسیار بالای شرکت‌کنندگان در بیلدربرگ، سطح موضوعات این محفل نیز قابل حدس زدن است. رئیس سازمان سیا، پادشاهان چند کشور، رؤسای کمپانیهایی مانند ایرباس و شِل، خبرنگاران و افراد رسانه‌ای خاص، بسیاری از وزرای این کشورها و نیز بانکداران برجسته دنیا از جمله شرکت‌کنندگان این محفل هستند.

با توجه به اینکه سایت این محفل راهبردی، تنها بخش کوچکی از اطلاعات را در اختیار مخاطبان قرار می‌دهد و به‌سرعت اطلاعات قدیمی‌تر را برمی‌دارد، برای ثبت در تاریخ، اطلاعات این سایت تا این زمان، در این خبر درج شده تا در آینده مورد بهره‌برداری پژوهشگران و علاقه‌مندان قرار گیرد.

* شرکت‌کنندگان 16-2014

باوجود سابقه مستمر تشکیل این گعده از 1954 تاکنون، این سایت تنها فهرست شرکت‌کنندگان سه سال آخر (16-2014) را درج کرده است. یک مطالعه آماری روی این فهرست نشان می‌دهد 136 نفر در سال  2014 میلادی 128 نفر در سال 2015 میلادی و 124 نفر در سال 2016 میلادی در این گعده شرکت کرده‌اند. با توجه به حضور دو و سه دوره‌ای برخی از این افراد، در کل سه دوره اسامی 269 نفر به چشم می‌خورد. در این میان 40 نفر سه دوره‌ای، 39 نفر دو دوره‌ای و 190 نفر تک دوره‌ای هستند. همچنین 32 نفر در کمیته راهبری این میتینگ شرکت دارند که 25 نفر از آنها در هر سه دوره شرکت کرده‌اند.

شرکت‌کنندگان در این سه سال از 23 ملیت هستند. همچنین بعضی شرکت‌کنندگان از نهادهای بین‌المللی مانند ناتو یا بانک‌جهانی دعوت شده‌اند. کشورهای متبوع این شرکت‌کنندگان عبارتند از امریکا، انگلستان، آلمان، فرانسه، هلند، دانمارک، ترکیه، اتریش، کانادا، نروژ، سوئد، فنلاند، ایتالیا، سوئیس، اسپانیا، پرتغال، یونان، بلژیک، ایرلند، چین، بلغارستان، لهستان، روسیه و نهادهای بین‌المللی.

نکات جالب توجه در این اجلاس به چشم می‌خورد که حضور 63 امریکایی، حضور 12 تبعه ترکیه (تنها کشور مسلمان) و عدم حضور حتی 1 اسرائیلی در این کنفرانس جهانی صهیونیستی از آن جمله است. نمودار تعداد شرکت‌کنندگان در این سه سال به شکل زیر است:

گراف تعداد شرکت‌کنندگان ملیتهای گوناگون در این اجلاس در سالهای 16-2014

با توجه به چند بُعدی بودن شخصیتهای این لیست، از تحلیل مشاغل آنها صرفنظر شده است. لیست نفرات عیناً از سایت رسمی بیلدربرگ برداشته شده و به شرح زیر است (علامت «*» نشانگر حضور آن شخص در کمیته راهبری است).

 (مسئول سمینار)*             Castries, Henri de             Chairman and CEO, AXA Group  FRA        2014     2015     2016


                Aboutaleb, Ahmed          Mayor, City of Rotterdam             NLD                                        2016

*             Achleitner, Paul M.          Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG   DEU       2014     2015     2016

                Ackermann, Josef            Former CEO, Deutsche Bank AG DEU       2014                    

*             Agius, Marcus    Non-Executive Chairman, PA Consulting Group   GBR       2014     2015     2016

                Ahrenkiel, Thomas          Director, Danish Intelligence Service (DDIS)          DNK                       2015     2016

                Alahuhta, Matti Member of the Board, KONE; Chairman, Aalto University Foundation       FIN         2014                    

                Albuquerque, Maria Luís               Former Minister of Finance; MP, Social Democratic Party               PRT                                        2016

                Alexander, Helen             Chairman, UBM plc          GBR       2014                    

                Alexander, Keith B.          Former Commander, U.S. Cyber Command; Former Director, National Security Agency                USA       2014                    

                Alierta, César     Executive Chairman and CEO, Telefónica               ESP                                         2016

                Allen, John R.     Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL, US Department of State                USA                       2015    

*             Altman, Roger C.              Executive Chairman, Evercore    USA       2014     2015     2016

                Altman, Sam       President, Y Combinator               USA                                       2016

                Andersson, Magdalena Minister of Finance         SWE                                       2016

                Applebaum, Anne           Director of Transitions Forum, Legatum Institute               USA                       2015     2016

*             Apunen, Matti   Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA FIN         2014     2015     2016

                Asmussen, Jörg State Secretary of Labour and Social Affairs          DEU       2014                    

                Aydin-Düzgit, Senem      Associate Professor and Jean Monnet Chair, Istanbul Bilgi University        TUR                                        2016


                Baird, Zoë            CEO and President, Markle Foundation  USA                       2015    

                Bajnai, Gordon  Former Prime Minister; Party Leader, Together 2014       HUN      2014                    

                Balls, Edward M.               Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer      GBR       2014     2015    

                Balsemão, Francisco Pinto            Chairman, Impresa SGPS              PRT        2014     2015    

                Barbizet, Patricia               CEO, Artemis     FRA                                        2016

                Baroin, François Member of Parliament (UMP); Mayor of Troyes FRA        2014                    

*             Barroso, José M. Durão  Former President of the European Commission  PRT                        2015     2016

*             Baverez, Nicolas               Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP     FRA        2014     2015     2016

                Benko, René      Founder, SIGNA Holding GmbH  AUT                       2015     2016

                Bengio, Yoshua Professor in Computer Science and Operations Research, University of Montreal CAN                                       2016

                Berggruen, Nicolas          Chairman, Berggruen Institute on Governance   USA       2014                    

                Bernabè, Franco               Chairman, FB Group SRL                ITA         2014     2015     2016

                Besenbacher, Flemming Chairman, The Carlsberg Group DNK       2014                    

                Beurden, Ben van            CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc            NLD        2014     2015     2016

                Bigorgne, Laurent            Director, Institut Montaigne        FRA                        2015    

                Bildt, Carl             Minister for Foreign Affairs          SWE       2014                    

                Blanchard, Olivier             Fred Bergsten Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute FRA                                        2016

                Boone, Laurence              Special Adviser on Financial and Economic Affairs to the President            FRA                        2015    

                Botín, Ana P.      Chairman, Banco Santander        ESP                         2015     2016

*             Brandtzæg, Svein Richard             President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA      NOR       2014     2015     2016

                Breedlove, Philip M.        Former Supreme Allied Commander Europe        INT         2014                     2016

                Brende, Børge   Minister of Foreign Affairs            NOR                                       2016

                Bronner, Oscar  Publisher, Standard Verlagsgesellschaft AUT       2014     2015    

                Burns, William    President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace USA                       2015     2016

                Buskhe, Håkan  President and CEO, Saab AB        SWE       2014                    


                Calvar, Patrick    Director General, DGSI  FRA                        2015    

                Çandar, Cengiz  Senior Columnist, Al Monitor and Radikal              TUR        2014                    

*             Cebrián, Juan Luis            Executive Chairman, Grupo PRISA             ESP         2014     2015     2016

                Chalendar, Pierre-André de         Chairman and CEO, Saint-Gobain              FRA        2014                    

                Charpentier, Emmanuelle            Director, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology           FRA                                        2016

                Clark, W. Edmund            Retired Executive, TD Bank Group             CAN       2014     2015    

                Coeuré, Benoît  Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank INT         2014     2015     2016

                Costamagna, Claudio      Chairman, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A.              ITA                                         2016

                Cote, David M.  Chairman and CEO, Honeywell   USA                                       2016

                Coveney, Simon Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine     IRL          2014                    

                Cowper-Coles, Sherard  Senior Adviser to the Group Chairman and Group CEO, HSBC Holdings plc               GBR                2014                    

                Coyne, Andrew Editor, Editorials and Comment, National Post    CAN                       2015    

                Cryan, John         CEO, Deutsche Bank AG DEU                                       2016


                Damberg, Mikael L.         Minister for Enterprise and Innovation   SWE                       2015    

                Dassù, Marta      Senior Director, European Affairs, Aspen Institute             ITA                                         2016

                Davignon, Etienne           Minister of State              BEL         2014                    

                De Gucht, Karel Former EU Trade Commissioner, State Minister  BEL                         2015    

                Dijksma, Sharon A.M.     Minister for the Environment     NLD                                        2016

                Donilon, Thomas E.          Former U.S. National Security Advisor; Partner and Vice Chair, O'Melveny & Myers LLP                USA       2014     2015    

                Döpfner, Mathias             CEO, Axel Springer SE     DEU       2014     2015     2016

                Dowling, Ann     President, Royal Academy of Engineering              GBR                       2015    

                Dudley, Robert  Group Chief Executive, BP plc      GBR       2014                    

                Dugan, Regina   Vice President for Engineering, Advanced Technology and Projects, Google           USA                       2015    

                Dyvig, Christian Chairman, Kompan         DNK                                       2016


                Ebeling, Thomas               CEO, ProSiebenSat.1      DEU                                       2016

                Ehrnrooth, Henrik            Chairman, Caverion Corporation, Otava and Pöyry PLC    FIN         2014                    

                Eilertsen, Trine  Political Editor, Aftenposten       NOR                       2015    

                Eldrup, Merete CEO, TV 2 Danmark A/S DNK                       2015    

*             Elkann, John       Chairman and CEO, EXOR; Chairman, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles  ITA         2014     2015     2016

*             Enders, Thomas CEO, Airbus Group           DEU       2014     2015     2016

                Engel, Richard    Chief Foreign Correspondent, NBC News               USA                                       2016

                Erdoes, Mary     CEO, JP Morgan Asset Management        USA                       2015    


                Fabius, Laurent President, Constitutional Council               FRA                                        2016

                Fairhead, Rona  Chairman, BBC Trust       GBR                       2015    

*             Federspiel, Ulrik               Executive Vice President, Haldor Topsøe A/S        DNK       2014     2015     2016

                Feldstein, Martin S.         President Emeritus, NBER; Professor of Economics, Harvard University   USA       2014                2015    

                Ferguson, Brian President and CEO, Cenovus Energy Inc. CAN       2014                    

                Ferguson, Niall  Professor of History, Harvard University USA                                       2016

                Ferguson, Jr., Roger W.  President and CEO, TIAA               USA                                       2016

                Fischer, Heinz    Federal President            AUT                       2015    

                Flint, Douglas J. Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc         GBR       2014     2015     2016

                Franz, Christoph               Chairman of the Board, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd             CHE                        2015    

                Fresco, Louise O.              President and Chairman Executive Board, Wageningen University and Research Centre                NLD                        2015    


                García-Margallo, José Manuel    Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation         ESP         2014                    

                Garicano, Luis    Professor of Economics, LSE; Senior Advisor to Ciudadanos           ESP                                         2016

                Georgieva, Kristalina       Vice President, European Commission    INT                                         2016

                Gernelle, Etienne             Editorial Director, Le Point           FRA                                        2016

                Gfoeller, Michael             Independent Consultant               USA       2014                    

                Göle, Nilüfer      Professor of Sociology, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales        TUR        2014                    

                Gomes da Silva, Carlos   Vice Chairman and CEO, Galp Energia      PRT                                        2016

                Goodman, Helen              MP, Labour Party             GBR                                       2016

                Goulard, Sylvie  Member of the European Parliament      INT                                         2016

                Graham, Lindsey              Senator USA                                       2016

                Greenberg, Evan G.         Chairman and CEO, ACE Group   USA       2014                    

                Greening, Justine             Secretary of State for International Development              GBR       2014                    

                Griffin, Kenneth Founder and CEO, Citadel Investment Group, LLC              USA                       2015    

                Grillo, Ulrich       Chairman, Grillo-Werke AG; President, Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie DEU                                       2016

*             Gruber, Lilli         Executive Editor and Anchor “Otto e mezzo”, La7 TV        ITA                         2015     2016

                Guriev, Sergei    Professor of Economics, Sciences Po        RUS                        2015    

                Gürkaynak, Gönenç        Managing Partner, ELIG Law Firm              TUR                        2015    

                Gusenbauer, Alfred        Former Chancellor of the Republic of Austria       AUT                       2015    


                Hadfield, Chris   Colonel, Astronaut          CAN                                       2016

*             Halberstadt, Victor          Professor of Economics, Leiden University            NLD        2014     2015     2016

                Hampel, Erich     Chairman, UniCredit Bank Austria AG      AUT                       2015    

                Harding, Dido     CEO, TalkTalk Telecom Group plc               GBR                                       2016

                Hassabis, Demis Vice President of Engineering, Google DeepMind              GBR                       2015     2016

                Hesoun, Wolfgang           CEO, Siemens Austria     AUT                       2015    

                Hildebrand, Philipp          Vice Chairman, BlackRock Inc.     CHE                        2015    

                Hobson, Mellody              President, Ariel Investment, LLC USA                                       2016

                Hockfield, Susan               President Emerita, Massachusetts Institute of Technology             USA       2014                    

                Høegh, Leif O.    Chairman, Höegh Autoliners AS NOR       2014                    

                Høegh, Westye Senior Advisor, Höegh Autoliners AS        NOR       2014                    

                Hoffman, Reid   Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn    USA       2014     2015     2016

                Höttges, Timotheus        CEO, Deutsche Telekom AG         DEU                                       2016

                Huang, Yiping     Professor of Economics, National School of Development, Peking University         CHN       2014                               


                Ischinger, Wolfgang        Chairman, Munich Security Conference INT                         2015    


                Jackson, Shirley Ann        President, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute          USA       2014                    

*             Jacobs, Kenneth M.         Chairman and CEO, Lazard            USA       2014     2015     2016

                Jäkel, Julia           CEO, Gruner + Jahr          DEU                       2015     2016

                Jonsson, Conni  Founder and Chairman, EQT        SWE                                       2016

*             Johnson, James A.           Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners         USA       2014     2015     2016

                Juppé, Alain        Mayor of Bordeaux, Former Prime Minister          FRA                        2015    

                Jordan, Jr., Vernon E.      Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC            USA                                       2016


*             Kaeser, Joe         President and CEO, Siemens AG DEU                       2015     2016

                Karp, Alex            CEO, Palantir Technologies          USA       2014     2015     2016

                Katz, Bruce J.      Vice President and Co-Director, Metropolitan Policy Program, The Brookings Institution  USA                2014                    

                Kepel, Gilles       University Professor, Sciences Po              FRA                        2015    

                Kengeter, Carsten           Deutsche Börse AG         DEU                                       2016

                Kenney, Jason T.               Minister of Employment and Social Development             CAN       2014                    

                Kherbache, Yasmine       MP, Flemish Parliament BEL                                         2016

                Kerr, John            Deputy Chairman, Scottish Power             GBR       2014     2015     2016

                Kesici, Ilhan        MP, Turkish Parliament TUR                        2015    

                Kissinger, Henry A.           Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.         USA       2014     2015     2016

*             Kleinfeld, Klaus Chairman and CEO, Alcoa              USA       2014     2015     2016

                Knot, Klaas H.W.               President, De Nederlandsche Bank          NLD                        2015    

*             Koç, Mustafa V. Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.          TUR        2014     2015    

                Kragh, Steffen   President and CEO, Egmont         DNK       2014                    

*             Kravis, Henry R. Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.                USA       2014     2015     2016

                Kravis, Marie-Josée         Senior Fellow and Vice Chair, Hudson Institute    USA       2014     2015     2016

*             Kudelski, André Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group          CHE        2014     2015     2016


                Lagarde, Christine            Managing Director, International Monetary Fund              INT         2014                     2016

                Lauk, Kurt            President, Globe Capital Partners              DEU                       2015    

                Lemne, Carola   CEO, The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise   SWE                       2015    

                Levey, Stuart      Chief Legal Officer, HSBC Holdings plc      USA                       2015    

                Levin, Richard    CEO, Coursera   USA                                       2016

                Leyen, Ursula von der     Minister of Defence        DEU                       2015     2016

*             Leysen, Thomas Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group  BEL         2014     2015     2016

                Li, Cheng             Director, John L.Thornton China Center,The Brookings Institution              USA       2014                    

                Lifvendahl, Tove               Political Editor in Chief, Svenska Dagbladet           SWE       2014                    

                Liu, He  Minister, Office of the Central Leading Group on Financial and Economic Affairs  CHN       2014                    

                Logothetis, George         Chairman and CEO, Libra Group GRC                                       2016


                Macedo, Paulo  Minister of Health            PRT        2014                    

                Macron, Emmanuel         Deputy Secretary General of the Presidency        FRA        2014                    

                Maggioni, Monica            Editor-in-Chief, Rainews24, RAI TV           ITA         2014                    

                Maher, Shiraz    Senior Research Fellow, ICSR, King's College London         GBR                       2015    

                Makan, Divesh  CEO, ICONIQ Capital        USA                                       2016

                Maizière, Thomas de      Minister of the Interior, Federal Ministry of the Interior  DEU                                       2016

                Malcomson, Scott            Author; President, Monere Ltd. USA                                       2016

                Mandelson, Peter            Chairman, Global Counsel LLP     GBR       2014                    

                Markus Lassen, Christina               Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Security Policy and Stabilisation        DNK                       2015    

                Markwalder, Christa       President of the National Council and the Federal Assembly         CHE                                        2016

                Mathews, Jessica T.         Distinguished Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace          USA                       2015    

                Mattis, James    Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University       USA                       2015               

                Maudet, Pierre Vice-President of the State Council, Department of Security, Police and the Economy of Geneva CHE                        2015    

                McAfee, Andrew              Principal Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology          USA       2014                               

                McArdle, Megan              Columnist, Bloomberg View        USA                                       2016

                McKay, David I. President and CEO, Royal Bank of Canada              CAN                       2015    

                Medeiros, Inês de            Member of Parliament, Socialist Party    PRT        2014                    

                Mert, Nuray       Columnist, Professor of Political Science, Istanbul University         TUR                        2015    

                Messina, Jim      CEO, The Messina Group              USA                       2015    

                Michel, Charles Prime Minister  BEL                         2015     2016

                Micklethwait, John          Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP     USA       2014     2015     2016

                Minton Beddoes, Zanny Editor-in-Chief, The Economist   GBR                       2015     2016

                Mitsotakis, Kyriakos        President, New Democracy Party              GRC       2014                     2016

                Monti, Mario      Senator-for-life; President, Bocconi University    ITA         2014     2015    

                Mörttinen, Leena             Executive Director, The Finnish Family Firms Association FIN                         2015    

*             Mundie, Craig J. Principal, Mundie & Associates  USA       2014     2015     2016

                Munroe-Blum, Heather Chairperson, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board       CAN       2014     2015    

                Murray, Charles A.           W.H. Brady Scholar, American Enterprise Institute            USA       2014                     2016


                Netherlands, H.R.H. Princess Beatrix of the                           NLD        2014     2015     2016

                Nin Génova, Juan María Deputy Chairman and CEO, CaixaBank    ESP         2014                    

                Nougayrède, Natalie      Former Director and Executive Editor, Le Monde               FRA        2014                    

                Noonan, Michael              Minister for Finance        IRL                                          2016

                Noonan, Peggy Author, Columnist, The Wall Street Journal          USA                                       2016


*             O'Leary, Michael               CEO, Ryanair Plc                IRL                          2015     2016

                Olesen, Søren-Peter       Professor; Member of the Board of Directors, The Carlsberg Foundation DNK       2014                               

                Ollila, Jorma       Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell, plc; Chairman, Outokumpu Plc         FIN         2014                    

                Ollongren, Kajsa               Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam     NLD                                        2016

                Oran, Umut        Deputy Chairman, Republican People’s Party (CHP)          TUR        2014                    

                Osborne, George             First Secretary of State and Chancellor of the Exchequer GBR       2014     2015    

                Özel, Soli              Columnist, Haberturk Newspaper; Senior Lecturer, Kadir Has University  TUR                        2015                2016


*             Papalexopoulos, Dimitri Group CEO, Titan Cement Co.     GRC                       2015     2016

                Pégard, Catherine            President, Public Establishment of the Palace, Museum and National Estate of Versailles             FRA                        2015    

                Pellerin, Fleur    State Secretary for Foreign Trade              FRA        2014                    

                Perle, Richard N.               Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute   USA       2014     2015    

                Petraeus, David H.           Chairman, KKR Global Institute  USA       2014     2015     2016

                Philippe, Edouard             Mayor of Le Havre           FRA                                        2016

                Pind, Søren         Minister of Justice           DNK                                       2016

                Pikrammenos, Panagiotis             Honorary President of The Hellenic Council of State          GRC                       2015               

                Poloz, Stephen S.             Governor, Bank of Canada            CAN       2014                    


                Rasmussen, Anders Fogh              Secretary General, NATO              INT         2014                    

                Rasmussen, Jørgen Huno              Chairman of the Board of Trustees, The Lundbeck Foundation     DNK       2014                               

                Ratti, Carlo          Director, MIT Senseable City Lab               ITA                                         2016

                Reding, Viviane Vice President and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, European Commission       INT         2014                    

                Reed, Kasim       Mayor of Atlanta              USA       2014                    

*             Reisman, Heather M.      Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc.              CAN       2014     2015     2016

                Reiten, Eivind     Chairman, Klaveness Marine Holding AS NOR       2014                    

                Rocca, Gianfelice              Chairman, Techint Group              ITA                         2015    

                Röttgen, Norbert             Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee, German Bundestag             DEU       2014                    

                Roiss, Gerhard  CEO, OMV Austria            AUT                       2015    

                Rubin, Robert E.                Co Chair, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury USA       2014                2015    

                Rumer, Eugene Senior Associate and Director, Russia and Eurasia Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace         USA       2014                    

                Rutte, Mark        Prime Minister  NLD                        2015     2016

                Rynning-Tønnesen, Christian      President and CEO, Statkraft AS NOR       2014                    


                Sadjadpour, Karim           Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace   USA                       2015               

                Samsom, Diederik M.     Parliamentary Leader PvdA (Labour Party)            NLD        2014                    

*             Sawers, John      Chairman and Partner, Macro Advisory Partners GBR       2014     2015     2016

                Sayek Böke, Selin             Vice President, Republican People’s Party             TUR                        2015    

                Schäuble, Wolfgang        Minister of Finance         DEU                                       2016

                Scheffer, Paul J. Author; Professor of European Studies, Tilburg University              NLD        2014                    

                Schieder, Andreas           Chairman, Social Democratic Group         AUT                                       2016

                Schippers, Edith Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport     NLD        2014                    

*             Schmidt, Eric E. Executive Chairman, Google Inc. USA       2014     2015     2016

*             Scholten, Rudolf               CEO, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG AUT       2014     2015     2016

                Schwab, Klaus    Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum       INT                                         2016

                Sevelda, Karl      CEO, Raiffeisen Bank International AG    AUT                       2015    

                Shih, Clara           CEO and Founder, Hearsay Social              USA       2014                    

                Siilasmaa, Risto K.            Chairman of the Board of Directors and Interim CEO, Nokia Corporation  FIN         2014                               

                Sikorski, Radoslaw           Senior Fellow, Harvard University; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs       POL                                        2016

                Simsek, Mehmet              Deputy Prime Minister   TUR                                        2016

                Sinn, Hans-Werner          Professor for Economics and Public Finance, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich                DEU                                       2016

                Skogen Lund, Kristin        Director General, The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise     NOR                                       2016

                Spain, H.M.         the Queen of     ESP         2014                    

                Spence, A. Michael          Professor of Economics, New York University      USA       2014                    

                Stadigh, Kari       President and CEO, Sampo plc    FIN         2014                    

                Standing, Guy    Co-President, BIEN; Research Professor, University of London      GBR                                       2016

                Stoltenberg, Jens             Secretary General, NATO              INT                         2015    

                Stubb, Alexander             Ministers of Finance       FIN                         2015    

                Suder, Katrin      Deputy Minister of Defense        DEU                       2015    

                Summers, Lawrence H.  Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University               USA       2014                    

                Sutherland, Peter D.       UN Special Representative; Chairman, Goldman Sachs International         IRL          2014                2015    

                Svanberg, Carl-Henric     Chairman, BP plc; Chairman, AB Volvo    SWE       2014     2015     2016

                Svarva, Olaug     CEO, The Government Pension Fund Norway      NOR                       2015    


                Taftalı, A. Ümit  Member of the Board, Suna and Inan Kiraç Foundation   TUR        2014                    

*             Thiel, Peter A.    President, Thiel Capital  USA       2014     2015     2016

                Thiel, Peter A.    President, Thiel Capital  USA                                       2016

                Topsøe, Henrik  Chairman, Haldor Topsøe A/S     DNK       2014                    

                Tsoukalis, Loukas             President, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy  GRC       2014     2015               


                Ulltveit-Moe, Jens           Founder and CEO, Umoe AS        NOR       2014                    

                Üzümcü, Ahmet Director-General, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons INT         2014     2015               


                Vestager, Margrethe      Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economic Affairs and the Interior              DNK                2014                    

                Vasella, Daniel L.               Honorary Chairman, Novartis International           CHE        2014                    

                Vetterli, Martin President, NSF  CHE                                        2016

                Vitorino, António M.       Partner, Cuetrecasas, Concalves Pereira, RL          PRT                        2015    


                Wahlroos, Björn               Chairman, Sampo Group, Nordea Bank, UPM-Kymmene Corporation       FIN         2014                                2016

*             Wallenberg, Jacob           Chairman, Investor AB   SWE       2014     2015     2016

                Wallenberg, Marcus        Chairman of the Board of Directors, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB    SWE       2014                               

                Warsh, Kevin M.               Distinguished Visiting Fellow and Lecturer, Stanford University   USA       2014                    

                Weber, Vin         Partner, Mercury LLC      USA                       2015    

                Weder di Mauro, Beatrice            Professor of Economics, University of Mainz         CHE                                        2016

                Wolf, Martin H. Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial Times         GBR       2014     2015     2016

                Wolfensohn, James D.   Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn and Company   USA       2014     2015    


                Zalm, Gerrit        Chairman of the Managing Board, ABN-AMRO Bank N.V. NLD        2014                    

                Zanias, George  Chairman of the Board, National Bank of Greece GRC       2014                    

*             Zoellick, Robert B.            Chairman, Board of International Advisors, The Goldman Sachs Group     USA       2014                2015    

* تاریخ، محل و موضوعات مطرح شده در این کنفرانس

تاریخ برگزاری، محل برگزاری و موضوعات مورد بحث دراین سمینارها بدون توضیح اضافی، به نقل از سایت این مجموعه عیناً نقل می‌شود.

11-14 June 2015 Telfs-Buchen, Austria

Artificial Intelligence


Chemical Weapons Threats

Current Economic Issues

European Strategy




Middle East




United Kingdom


US Elections

29 May-1 June 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark

Is the Economic Recovery Sustainable?

Who will Pay for the Demographics?

Does Privacy Exist?

How Special is the Relationship in Intelligence Sharing?

Big Shifts in Technology and Jobs

The Future of Democracy and the Middle Class Trap

China's Political and Economic Outlook

The New Architecture of the Middle East


What Next for Europe?

Current Events

6-9 June 2013 Hertfordshire, England

Jobs, Entitlements and Debt

European Politics: Core Questions

Can the US and Europe Grow Faster and Create Jobs?

Africa's Challenges

Saudi Arabia

Dialogue with Prime Minister David Cameron

How Big Data is Changing Almost Everything

Major Trends in Medical Research

Nationalism and Populism

Online Education: Promise and Impacts

Cyberwarfare and the Proliferation of Asymmetric Threats

Is America Withdrawing from the World?

Current Affairs: Syria

31 May-3 June 2012 Chantilly, Virginia, USA

The State of Trans-Atlantic Relations

Is Vigorous Economic Growth Attainable?

The Future of Democracy in the Developed World

The US Political Landscape

The European Political Landscape

A Conversation on US Foreign Policy

The Politics and Geo-Politics of Energy

Stability and Instability in the Middle East

Imbalances, Austerity and Growth

Sustainability of the Euro and its Consequences

What Does Putin 2.0 Mean?

What Can the West Do about Iran?

How Do Sovereign States Collaborate in Cyber Space?

China's Economic and Political Outlook

9-12 June 2011 St. Moritz, Switzerland

The Middle East: What Does Democracy Mean?

Emerging Economies: Roles and Responsibilities

Economic and National Security in a Digital Age

Technological Innovation in Western Economies: Stagnation or Promise?

The Appetite for Reform: Can Governments Deliver?

Switzerland: Can It Remain Successful in the Future?

European Union's Challenges

A Sustainable Euro: Implications for European Economies

China's Domestic Challenges

China's Regional and Global Challenges

Connectivity and the Diffusion of Power

Current Conflict Areas

Demographic Stresses

3-6 June 2010 Sitges, Spain

Current Events: North Korea, Iran and Non-Proliferation

Global Cooling: Implications of Slow Economic Growth

The Growing Influence of Cyber Technology

Is Financial Reform Progressing?

US and European Fiscal and Financial Challenges

The European Union and the Crisis of the Euro

Promises of Medical Science

Energy's Promises and Challenges

Security in a Proliferated World

Social Networking: From the Obama Campaign to the Iranian Revolution

Europe-US: A New Approach

Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Region

Can We Feed the World?

14-17 May 2009 Vouliagmeni, Greece

Governments and Markets

After the G20: The Role of Institutions

Protectionism: How Serious?

Cyber-terrorism: Strategy and Policy

Sustainability: Post-Kyoto Challenges

Iraq: Role and Responsibilities in the Region

Afghanistan and Pakistan

A New Order: The United States and the World

Lessons from a Crisis

Challenge to Market Economies and Democracies

Russia and China: New Imperialisms

Current Affairs: How does Industry See the Future?

5-8 June 2008 Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A.


A Nuclear-Free World

Managing Financial Turbulence

US Foreign Policy Without Change

How Serious Are the Threats on Our Economies

Islam in Europe


Afghanistan, Challenge for the West


A Look at the Future

The Mounting Threat of Protectionism


After Bush: The Future of US-EU Relations

Current Affairs: US Elections

31 May-3 June 2007 Istanbul, Turkey

The New World Order: Uni-Polar or Non-Polar?

Turkey and its Neighbours

Europe and the US: Common and Conflicting Interests

The Mood of the US

Democracy and Populism

Democracy in the Middle East

Turkey's Long-Term Development in Comparative Perspective

Leadership Changes in Key European Countries [France-UK]

Information Technology: Globalising or Tribalising Force?

Nuclear Non-Proliferation

The US: Cutting Issues in State-Federal Relations

Climate Change

Current Affairs: Capital Markets: Risks and Opportunities of Private Equity and Hedge Funds

8-11 June 2006 Ottawa, Canada

American Power and the Battle for Arab Reform

Terrorist Movements in the Middle East

The Challenges of Immigration

Israel-Palestine: One Year Later

China - the Economic and Political Landscape

New Alignments in Asia: the Changing Strategic Landscape

Energy: What Are the Issues

Energy: What Does Dependence Mean?

Russia: Quo Vadis?

Economic Patriotism: A Real Threat?

Current Affairs: Italy

The Challenges of Deterrence in a Proliferating World


New Security Challenges for NATO, the EU: Afghanistan, Africa, ...

5-8 May 2005 Rottach-Egern, Germany

What Do We Mean by Freedom?

Development: Reflections and Perspectives

How Can Europe and the US Work Together to Deal with Common Problems?


Asia: the Geo-Strategic Challenges

Where is Europe Going?


Russia: Do the Transatlantic Partners have a Common Strategy?

Failure of the Lisbon Agenda?

The Non-Proliferation Treaty at Risk?


Current Affairs: Will the Fiscal Problems Facing Europe and the US Undermine Future Economic Performance?

3-6 June 2004 Stresa, Italy

Energy: The Sustainability of Current Trends

The Rules of the Game: Towards a 21st Century Concert?

The Prospects for Iraq

Afghanistan, Including the Implications for Future NATO Operations in the Area

European Geopolitics

Health and Development

The US Political Landscape

Is China Changing the World?

Current Affairs: Russia

The Middle East: Is Stability Within Reach?

World Economic Outlook

Corporate Fraud: How Lethal is the Cure?

15-18 May 2003 Versailles, France

The Middle East II: Future

The Middle East I: Overview

Post-Iraq: The Future of Multilateral Organisations

Re-Energising Germany

Post-Mortem on Iraq: Diplomatic Failure and the Foreign Policy Consequences


The European Convention

The World's Economic Problems

Aspects of Terrorism

Current Affairs

30 May-2 June 2002 Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A

The Consequences of the War Against Terrorism

Corporate Governance: Does Capitalism Need fixing?

The Changing Nature of the EU Within the Western Alliance

Have Civil Liberties Been Unnecessarily Eroded?

The Influence of the Extreme Right

The Middle East

Post-Crisis Reconstruction/Nation Rebuilding

Prospects for the World Economy

Trade: The China Effect

The Influence of Domestic Issues on American Foreign Policy

Current Affairs

24-27 May 2001 Stenungsund, Sweden

European Security Defence Identity and Transatlantic Security - I

Consequences of the Italian Elections

What Does EU Enlargement Mean for the EU and the Rest of the World?

Productivity in Europe and the United States - Is the Gap Widening?

Putin's Russia

What Can the World Do About the Middle East?

The New US Administration

European Security Defence Identity and Transatlantic Security - II

The Rise of China: Its Impact on Asia and the World

Policies for Trade Development and Economic Growth

What Should Governments Do About Food Quality?

Current Affairs

1-3 June 2000 Brussels, Belgium

The New Economy and its Effects on Society

Globalisation under Threat: the Way forward for the WTO

US Elections: State of Play and Foreign Policy Consequences

Cleaning up the Balkans

EU Enlargement and its Implications for Geo-Political Balance

The European Far Right - Is there a Threat?

Current Affairs

3-6 June 1999 Sintra, Portugal


The US Political Scene

Current Controversies: Genetics and the Life Sciences

Redesigning the International Financial Architecture

The Social and Political Impacts on Emerging Markets of Recent Economic Events

NATO's future

The Relationship between Information Technology and Economic Policy

Current Events

Russia's Foreign Policy

How Durable is the Current Rosy Complexion of European Politics

14-17 May 1998 Turnberry, Scotland

Current Events

What Will be the Consequences of EMU?

Is there Room for one Transatlantic Market Place?

Military Implications of the Growing Technological Disparity between the United States and Europe

To what Extent Will Enlargement Redefine NATO's Relationship with Russia?

Is Europe's Social Model Dead?

A Review of the Crisis in Kosovo and Albania: the Role of the UN

In the Light of the Asian Crisis should the World's Financial System be Reformed?

The Implications of the New India Nuclear Weapon Program

Turkey's Role in the Western Alliance

12-15 June 1997 Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

Will NATO's Enlargement Affect the Transatlantic Alliance?

Do the World's Energy Needs Prevent Sustainable Development?

Growth through Productivity Improvement: a Threat to Western Social Cohesion?

Peacekeeping: Assessments and Prospects-Bosnia, Albania, Cyprus

Status Report on American Foreign Policy

How Should the West Look at China?

Corporate Survival: Breaking with Tradition in Governance

EMU's Consequences Assuming it Goes Ahead

The Return of the European Left: Sign of Innovation or Reaction?

Relationship of the West to Islam

World Bank Update

30 May-2 June 1996 Toronto, Canada

Status Report on the Alliance

Former Yugoslavia

Russia: Political Forces and Economic Prospects

Europe: the Politics of EU Enlargement

Has Europe's Economy Run out of Steam?

Will the Enlarged Union Survive EMU's Succes or Failure?

The US Agenda

The Israeli Election

How and How Much can the Western World Grow Economically?

WTO and World Bank: Briefing

Where is China Going?

8-11 June 1995 Bürgenstock, Switzerland

What is NATO Supposed to Do?

Is There Work for All?

Atomization of Society: Impact on Political Behaviour of New Technology

Looking [Back] at Washington

Current Events: Turkey and the Atlantic Alliance

Is There Still a North Atlantic Community?

Should the European Union Integrate Further, and Why?

Our Agendas for WTO and World Bank

Current Events: Former Yugoslavia

Peacekeeping in an UNstable World

Lessons of the New Currency Crises

Practical Steps Towards Better Global Governance and Rules

2-5 June 1994 Helsinki, Finland

Redefinition of the Atlantic Relationship in a Time of Change

The Changing Face and Perspective of America

Europe - Cohesion or Confusion

Economic Instabilities Ahead

Jobs, Where Are They and How Will The West Create Them

The Political Challenges of Islamic Fundamentalism

Russia - How Will Its Internal Evolution Affect Its External Behaviour

GATT: Risks Ahead

The Issue of Non-Proliferation: North Korea

China - The Consequences of Convulsion or Stability

22-25 April 1993 Vouliagmeni, Greece

What Kind of Europe Will the U.S. Have to Deal With?

Current Events: Former Yugoslavia

Restoring Confidence in Leadership and Institutions

Prospects for Global Trade

U.S. Domestic Policy Concerns

The Outlook for Japan's Economy

Cost of Indifference Toward the Former Soviet Union

Current Events: Italy

Foreign Policy Concerns of the Clinton Administration

Crisis Management

21-24 May 1992 Evian-Les-Bains, France

Prospects for the former Soviet Republics

What should be done for Eastern Europe

Whither the United States?

The World economy

Wither Europe?

Soviet Union: the view from Moscow

The migration issue

The evolving west/west relationship

6-9 June 1991 Baden-Baden, Germany

Eastern Europe: economic prospects

Developments in the Soviet Union: political and economic impact on the Alliance

The Middle East: political fallout and future prospects

Economic and financial threats to the Alliance

The practical agenda for the Alliance

Do we have the institutions to deal with the agenda?

Recent developments in Yugoslavia

The situation in South-Africa

The Treuhand experience

11-13 May 1990 Glen Cove, New York, U.S.A.

The new Soviet (Dis)Union

Strategic issues

Economic relations with Eastern Europe

Can Western values be applied universally?


The future of NATO and the European Community

Japan: political changes

12-14 May 1989 La Toja, Spain

Domestic developments in Eastern Europe: policy implications for the West

Can the Alliance be sustained by military and arms control issues alone?

The long-term economic design of the E.C.: European sovereignty?

Current events: U.S.-Soviet relations

Greater political and monetary union of Europe: European sovereignty?

Global relationships: surpluses, deficits and protectionism

Environmental constraints

3-5 June 1988 Telfs-Buchen, Austria

What can be done with the world economy: alternative scenarios

How to handle a world awash with public and private debt?

The German question revisited

The new information era

Briefing on the Moscow summit

The impact of glasnost

Future strategy of the Alliance

The Gulf and Afghanistan

24-26 April 1987 Villa d'Este, Italy

Strategy toward the U.S.S.R.

Policy toward trade and protectionism

The public sector and economic growth

Current events: China

The arms control debate

25-27 April 1986 Gleneagles, Scotland

The Soviet Union under Gorbachev: foreign policy implications

The Western global response to the Soviet challenge

The fragmentation of the world economy: debt, currency disorder, protectionism, uneven growth

Current events: terrorism

South Africa

10-12 May 1985 Rye Brook, New York, U.S.A.

Divergent social and economic trends in the Atlantic World

How should the West deal with the Soviet Bloc?


How should the West deal with developing countries?

Current events: the current status of the budget in Congress and the European perspective on that situation

Operating the Alliance

11-13 May 1984 Saltsjöbaden, Sweden

Western power and the Middle East: a case study in Atlantic relationships

The state of arms control negotiations

Future employment trends in the industrialized democracies

Current events: continental drift: economic and political

The Soviet Union, the West and the Third World; a case study: Central America

13-15 May 1983 Montebello, Canada

East-West relations: containment, détente or confrontation

Issues in medium-term prospects for growth in the world economy:
- Protectionism and employment
- Risks in banking and finance

Current events: U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East and Central America

14-16 May 1982 Sandefjord, Norway

Divergent policies and attitudes in the North Atlantic Community

What can arms control achieve?

Middle East: issues at stake

Economic issues: dogmas and realities

Current events:
- The Falkland Islands crisis
- East-West relations: Poland, trade and finance

15-17 May 1981 Bürgenstock, Switzerland

What should Western policy be toward the Soviet Union in the 1980s?

Obstacles to effective coordination of Western policies

How can the Western economies put their house in order?

18-20 April 1980 Aachen, F.R.G.

America and Europe: Past, Present, Future

27-29 April 1979 Baden, Austria

The present international monetary situation and its consequences for World cooperation

The implications of instability in the Middle East and Africa for the Western World

21-23 April 1978 Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A

Western defence with its political implications

The changing structure of production and trade: consequences for the Western industrialized countries

22-24 April 1977 Torquay, England

North American and Western European attitudes towards

The future of the mixed economies in the Western democracies

The Third World's demand for restructuring the world order and the political implications of those attitudes

25-27 April 1975 Çesme, Turkey

Inflation: its economic, social and political implications

Recent international political developments:
- The present status and prospects to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict and the effect on relations among NATO members
- Other recent developments affecting the relations among NATO countries

19-21 April 1974 Megève, France

Prospects for the Atlantic world

11-13 May 1973 Saltsjöbaden, Sweden

The possibilities of the development of a European energy policy and the consequences of European-North American relations

Conflicting expectations concerning the European Security Conference

21-23 April 1972 Knokke, Belgium

The state of the Western community in the light of changing relationships among the non-communist industrialized countries and the impact of changing power relationships in the Far East on Western security

23-25 April 1971 Woodstock, Vermont, U.S.A.

The contribution of business in dealing with current problems of social instability

The possibility of a change of the American role in the world and its consequences

17-19 April 1970 Bad Ragaz, Switzerland

Future function of the university in our society

Priorities in foreign policy

9-11 May 1969 Marienlyst, Denmark

Elements of instability in Western society

Conflicting attitudes within the Western world towards relations with the U.S.S.R. and the other Communist states of Eastern Europe in the light of recent events

26-28 April 1968 Mont Tremblant, Canada

The relations between the West and the Communist countries

Internationalization of business

31 March-2 April 1967 Cambridge, England

Do the basic concepts of Atlantic cooperation remain valid for the evolving world situation? If not, what concepts could take their place?

The technological gap between America and Europe with special reference to American investments in Europe

25-27 March 1966 Wiesbaden, F.R.G.

Should NATO be reorganized and if so how?

The future of world economic relations especially between industrial and developing countries

2-4 April 1965 Villa d'Este, Italy

Monetary cooperation in the Western world

The state of the Atlantic Alliance

20-22 March 1964 Williamsburg, Virginia, U.S.A.

The consequences for the Atlantic Alliance of:

Apparent changes in the communist world
- Soviet internal development
- The Communist Bloc

Possible changes in the attitude of the U.S.S.R. to the West

Recent developments within the Western world
- political
- military
- economic

29-31 May 1963 Cannes, France

The balance of power in the light of recent international development

Trade relations between the U.S.A. and Europe in the light of the negotiations for Britain's entry into the Common Market

Trade relations between the Western world and the developing countries

18-20 May 1962 Saltsjöbaden, Sweden

The political implications for the Atlantic community of its members' policies in the United Nations

Implications for the Atlantic community of prospective developments

21-23 April 1961 St. Castin, Canada

What initiatives are required to bring about a new sense of leadership and direction within the Western community?

The implications for Western unity of changes in the relative economic strength of the United States and Western Europe

28-29 May 1960 Bürgenstock, Switzerland

State of the world situation after the failure of the Summit Conference

New political and economic developments in the Western world

18-20 September 1959 Yesilkoy, Turkey

Review of developments since the last Conference

Unity and division in Western policy

13-15 September 1958 Buxton, England

Survey of events since the last Conference

The future of NATO defence

Western economic cooperation

The Western approach to Soviet Russia and communism

15-17 February 1957 St. Simons Island, Georgia, U.S.A.

Review of events since the fourth Bilderberg meeting in May 1956

Nationalism and neutralism as disruptive factors inside the Western Alliance

The Middle East

The European policy of the Alliance, with special reference to the problems of Eastern Europe, German reunification and military strategy

4-6 October 1957 Fiuggi, Italy

Survey of developments since the last Conference

Modern weapons and disarmament in relation to Western security

Are existing political and economic mechanisms within the Western community adequate?

11-13 May 1956 Fredensborg, Denmark

Review of developments since the last Conference

The causes of the growth of anti-Western blocs, in particular in the United Nations

The role played by anti-colonialism in relations between Asians and the West

A common approach by the Western world towards China and the emergent nations of South and East Asia

The communist campaign for political subversion or control of the newly emancipated countries of Asia

How the West can best meet Asian requirements in the technical and economic fields

18-20 March 1955 Barbizon, France

Survey of Western European-USA relations since the first Bilderberg Conference

Communist infiltration in various Western countries

The uncommitted people:
- Political and ideological aspects
- Economic aspects

23-25 September 1955 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, F.R.G.

Review of events since the Barbizon Conference

Article 2 of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The political and strategic aspects of atomic energy

The reunification of Germany

European unity

The industrial aspects of atomic energy

Economic problems:
- East-West trade
- The political aspects of convertibility
- Expansion of international trade

29-31 May 1954 Oosterbeek, Netherlands

The attitude towards communism and the Soviet Union

The attitude towards dependent areas and peoples overseas

The attitude towards economic policies and problems

The attitude towards European integration and the European Defence Community

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