New Report Sheds Light on Israeli Violence against Journalists in 2015

New Report Sheds Light on Israeli Violence against Journalists in 2015

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A new report prepared for the Islamic Radios and Televisions Union revealed atrocities committed by the Israeli regime against journalists across the occupied territories.

The full text of the report is as follows:

The Annual Report of Palestine Office of the Islamic Radios and Televisions Union, 2015

Relying on truculence and violence, the Zionist aggressive forces suppressed the journalists, media and press in order to keep them away from the fields and to prevent media coverage of the events of Quds Intifada. To inform the public opinion about the realities of the occupied Palestine, the reporters and cameramen faced dangerous situations in referring to the actions made by the Zionist forces.

Some of the aggressive actions of Zionist forces in 2015 has been recognized and registered by Palestine Office of the Islamic Radios and Televisions Union.

In 2015, forces of the Zionist regime attacked the reporters about 574 times and about 62 times of them referred to women, according to the annual report of the Palestine office of Islamic Radios and Televisions Union.

According to the report, the October month of the last year, which was beginning of the Palestine Intifada, was accounted as the most violent month. During the mentioned month, reporters were targeted with bullets, toxic gases and pepper gas and they were also faced with assault and battery, and their human dignities were insulted. Some of reporters were imprisoned and prison terms of some reporters were extended. Israeli forces also attacked the houses and damaged the tools of reporters in order to prevent media coverage of activities and demonstrations. Israeli forces used journalists as a human shields. The Israeli forces prevented traveling of reporters and they closed some media institutes and they also threatened that they would close some other ones.

Some of these aggressive actions have been registered by the Palestine office of the Islamic Radios and Televisions Union in 2015 by months as follows:

January: 26 cases, February: 27 cases, March: 28 cases, April: 28 cases, May: 31 cases, June: 23 cases, July: 18 cases, August: 65 cases, September: 41 cases, October: 159, November: 66 cases and December 62 cases

The Palestine office of the Islamic Radios and Televisions Union provides theses aggressive actions of the Israeli forces in details as follows:


2 cameramen were martyred: Ahmed Jahajehe, 23 year old, called as photographer of martyrs in occupied Palestine. Ahmed Al-herbavi, in Gaza strip

Detention, subpoena and trail

The detentions of the reporters and journalists were increased considerably in 2015; in which about 85 cases including detentions, extending the detentions and subpoena have been registered. One of these cases referred to a foreign reporter. 10 female reporters were amongst those who were arrested and 2 of them were deported from holy Quds and 4 others were used as a human shields. There are at least 17 journalists in Israeli prisons now.

Attacks & Injuries

In the last year about 190 reporters and cameramen were attacked and injured; including 19 female reporters and 3 foreigners. These attacks were directly or indirectly and they were done by the bullet, toxic gases and pepper gas. About 144 cases of aggressive actions were done by use of baton, sound bombs and running over by cars including 24 female reporters.
Preventing and obstructionism of news coverage and assault

About 81 cases including 5 female reporters have been registered. 2 cases referred to financial abuses in order to prevent media activities towards the coverage of conflicts, as well as inspections of tools and breaking up the cameras, computer, mobile phones and annulling the ID cards of reporters.

Travel ban

About 37 cases of travel ban including 28 male and female reporters from Gaza to the west coast have been registered.
Closing, threating the institutes and hacking some websites

21 cases of closing and threatening to close towards media institutes have been registered. It also included noise, hacking the electronic websites and confiscation of equipment.

Territorial threats in Palestine

About 164 cases of attacks the media in the territory of Palestine including west coast and Gaza strip have been registered in 2015.

These aggressive actions included 77 cases of detention and subpoena including 5 female reporters. It also included 39 cases of attacks and injuries and killing of a reporter in Gaza. 17 cases of aggressive actions have been registered by the Palestine office of the Union including threating and accusations. It also included 31 cases of prohibition of activities, obstructionism, stopping the activities and confiscation of media equipment.

The aggressive actions which have been registered by the office of the union in Palestine in 2015 is presented by the months as follow:


The aggressive actions of Israeli forces through this month included About 26 cases of violations by forces of Zionist regime have been done towards the media in Palestine such as arresting of 7 journalists including a female journalist who has been deported from the holy Quds by Zionist regime. Additionally, 8 journalists were injured and 8 ones were attacked during the news coverage in the west coast and the occupied Quds. The prison terms of 2 journalist were extended and a journalist was investigated.

In the territory of Palestine: 17 cases of violations including arresting of 2 journalist, summoning of 4 journalists, and attacking 3 journalist including a female one by unknown ones. Additionally 4 journalist were arrested, 2 journalists were accused and it was prevented activities of a media team.


The aggressive actions of Israeli forces through this month included 27 cases including deporting 2 female journalists from Palestine and postponing the trails of 8 journalists including 2 female also included injuring of 13 journalists and 4 cases of accusation, closing the media offices like Shahab News Agency and warning to close of the TV channel affiliated to Palestinian National Authority for reason of stimulating the people.

In the territory of Palestine: 9 cases of aggressive actions by Israeli forces including  abduction of some reporters in Gaza, arresting of 5 journalists in the west coast and Gaza, extension of prison terms of two journalists and preventing  the media activities of a female reporter.


The aggressive actions of Israeli forces through this month included 28 cases including arresting of 9 journalists, prohibition of activities of 6 reporters, traveling ban, injuries of 12 reporters and as well as use of toxic gas during the reporters’ media coverage.
In the territory of Palestine: 7 cases of violations including detention, extension of detention for 4 reporters and attacking the three reporters.


The aggressive actions of Israeli forces through this month included injuries of 14 reporters because of the Israeli usage of bullet and plastic bullet and hitting the arms and legs of the journalists by the rifles butt including 11 Argentinian reporters and 2 female ones. Additionally, arresting 3 reporters including a female, prohibiting the media coverage, 6 cases of violations and annulling of ID cards of reporters and usage of sound bombs included the Israeli forces crimes during this month.

In the territory of Palestine: about 18 cases of violations including killing of Kamal Abunehl, a reporter of Palestine TV channel in Gaza, attacking the 11 journalists, expelling four Gaza students and confiscation of  private properties.


The aggressive actions of Israeli forces through this month included 31 cases of violations, injuries of 19 reporters including 3 female ones (an Italian one), arresting a female reporter, preventing the media coverage, confiscation of cameras and equipment (cameras of 10 reporters including 4 female ones), attacking the houses.

In the territory of Palestine: 9 cases of violations including 4 cases of detention of 2 female reporters and arresting of 3 cases.


The aggressive actions of Israeli forces through this month included 23 cases of violations including detention of 3 journalists, 12 cases of preventing the media coverage, deporting a female reporter from holy Quds for 15 days, hacking the website of media institute of my arena and 4 cases of violations and insults.

In the territory of Palestine: 28 cases of violations including 10 cases of detention, and arresting, 8 cases of preventing the media coverage, 6 cases of insulting and  2 cases of threating to death and 2 cases of attacking the offices and confiscation of equipment


The aggressive actions of Israeli forces through this month included 18 cases of violations including 8 cases of assault and battery, (3 female ones), 8 cases of preventing the media coverage and 2 cases of detention including a female one.

In the territory of Palestine: 16 cases of violations including 8 cases of detention, 4 cases of assault and battery and 3 cases of preventing the media coverage.


The aggressive actions of Israeli forces through this month included 65cases of violations including 12 cases of injuries, 5 cases of attack the offices and confiscation of equipment, 11 cases of detention, some cases of investigation including reporters of Quds, 5 cases of travelling ban, 3 cases of preventing the media coverage and threating to preventing the broadcast of radio station of Al-rif in Al-khalil.

In the territory of Palestine: 15 cases of violations including 5 cases of detention, arresting including a woman, a case of injury, one case of attack the house, 2 cases of preventing the media coverage, 3 cases of confiscation of equipment and 3 cases threating to attack.


The aggressive actions of Israeli forces through this month included 41cases of violations including attacks and injuries of 24 individuals including 3 women, 11 cases of preventing the media coverage, 6 cases of detention including a woman.
In the territory of Palestine: 15 cases of violations including 4 cases of preventing the media coverage, 8 cases of detention and a case of assault to a house.


The aggressive actions of Israeli forces through this month included 159cases of violations including killing Ahmed Al-herbavi, a 19 year old student in Gaza University, and 30 cases of injuries including injuries by metal and plastic bullets, 8 cases of usage of pepper gas and toxic gases and 6 cases of the bullet. It also included 98 cases of attacks including 12 cases towards female reporters, 4 cases of using the journalists as human shields including 2 female ones, threating to kill for a female reporter, 7 cases of preventing the media coverage, 9 cases of detention, 4 cases of noises towards the media such as Palestine TV, Quds TV.

In the territory of Palestine: 17 cases of violations which 14 cases took place in Gaza and 3 cases took place in the west coast including a case of investigation, 9 cases of detention, 3 cases of injuries, 3 cases of assault and closing the  newspaper office of “Alghad Alarabi”.


The aggressive actions of Israeli forces through this month included closing 3 radio stations in Al-khalil and confiscation of equipment as well as threating to close 3 media institutes. Closing 3 stations resulted jobless of 100 journalists and financial losses during 6 months. These financial losses estimated about hundreds of thousands dollars.

The aggressive actions of Israeli forces include injuries of 21 journalists, 11 cases of detention and annulling the ID cards of reporters, preventing the media coverage and 17 cases of assaults to media institutes and equipment.

It also includes travelling ban towards a female reporters, running over by cars and insulting the reporters and 3 cases of attack the houses of reporters.

In the territory of Palestine: 6 cases of violations including detention of a personnel of satellite channel of Al-aqsa, sending threating letters to media institutes, closing an office of media institute and arresting a female reporter.


The aggressive actions of Israeli forces through this month included 62 cases of violations including killing of Ahmed Jahajehe, a 23 year old photographer who called photographer of martyrs. It also included 25 cases of injuries through direct attack (3 female reporters), 10 cases of indirect attacks, 9 cases of detention, torture of Muhammed Alqiq, a prisoner in Zionist jails for 7 times, 5 cases of preventing the media coverage and annulling the ID cards of reporters, attacks the offices for inspection and confiscation of equipment and 5 cases of hacking the websites.

In the territory of Palestine: 8cases of violations including prohibition of satellite channel of Al-aqsa, 4 cases of investigation and detention and 3 cases of violations.

Palestine Office of the Islamic Radios and Televisions Union

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