Drones, A Pillar of IRGC Navy Capabilities: Commander

Drones, A Pillar of IRGC Navy Capabilities: Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy Commander Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi described pilotless aircraft as one of the crucial factors contributing to the capabilities of his forces.

During a visit to the IRGC Navy’s drone command headquarters on Wednesday, Rear Admiral Fadavi said the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) unit has become a pillar of the IRGC Navy’s combat and operational power.

Drones account for the fifth pillar of the Navy’s operational capabilities in addition to vessels, commandos, missiles and air-sea equipment, he added.

As time goes by, the significant role of the pilotless aircraft becomes clearer in the world armies, he explained.

Iran is now in possession of a broad range of UAVs which can be used for both civilian and military purposes.

Experts at the IRGC Aerospace Force have already manufactured a homegrown version of the US RQ-170 stealth drone through reverse engineering.

The advanced American aircraft was captured in northeastern Iran in December 2011.

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