Battles against Muslim World Aimed at Diverting Attention from Palestine: Scholar

Battles against Muslim World Aimed at Diverting Attention from Palestine: Scholar

BAGHDAD (Tasnim) – A senior Lebanese Muslim scholar said the aim of all the ongoing wars waged on the Muslim community and Islam is to deflect world’s attention from the issue of Palestine.

“All that is happening in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and different parts of the world is in the interest of the Zionist enemy and serves the US political project,” Khezr Mohammed al-Kabsh told the Tasnim News Agency on Saturday.

He made the remarks on the sidelines of the 9th session of the Supreme Council of the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening in the Iraqi capital.

The Sunni scholar added that the ongoing wars waged on the Islamic Ummah (community) and the Islamic world are aimed at diverting attention from the Palestinian issue.

He also referred to the threat of Takfiri terrorism, saying the only way to rid the world of Daesh and its Takfiri ideology is for Muslim scholars around the world to take a clear and unified stance against Takfiri terrorism.

50 clerics, scholars and intellectuals from 22 Muslim nations are attending the two-day conference, which kicked off in Baghdad on Saturday.

It commenced this morning with a speech by Secretary-General of the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening Ali Akbar Velayati.

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