Vaziri Cave Museum in Suburb of Tehran

Vaziri Cave Museum in Suburb of Tehran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - It is directed by Prof Naser Houshmand Vaziri who is one of outstanding sculptors in Iran and all of designs , creativity and inventions have been made by him. This is the first private and personal caved museum in Iran.

During 6 years of hard working, some halls have been made in the mount in order to show Prof Vaziri's artistic works, it is in progress yet. Each of these works represents Ferdowsi Shahnameh and Iran's folkloric stories and noble Iranian culture.

The museum includes different parts: showrooms, workshop, handicraft, training, gallery and meeting hall. It is the only museum which visitors can go sightseeing and photographing freely and the students can get ideas from the Prof directly.

Prof Vaziri gives necessary informations about his works during visitors visit and tries to spread Iranian noble culture and art.

In the handicraft part, Mrs. Rama Vaziri, (Prof Vaziri s daughter), directs the workshop and introduces new and creative works in different fields as tile, ceramic, relief & …..Visitors can visit this part either (it is directed by young artists right now).

Despite that Prof Vaziri has been asked so many times to move and do the same work in different countries, he loves Iran and staying here with the collection of 50 years his day and night hard workings.


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