Titi Stony Caravansary in Siahkal: A Tourist Attraction of Iran

Titi Stony Caravansary in Siahkal: A Tourist Attraction of Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - On the way from the city of Lahijan to Dailaman, north of Iran, is a small and ancient caravansary constructed of brick, stone and gypsum. Titi Caravansary dates back to the Safavid era.

Its founder was Khanom Titi, an aunt of one of the Safavid rulers.

The exterior walls are constructed of pebbles and mortar, and its interior sections of brick and gypsum.

A part of the entrance is an octagonal vestibule with a spherical brick ceiling. It has two balconies overlooking the yard. 

Source: Itto (Iran Tourism and Touring Organization).org

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