General Soleimani Reiterates US Failure in Regional Wars

General Soleimani Reiterates US Failure in Regional Wars

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said the US has failed to restrict and isolate Iran in the region, and stressed that Washington’s warmongering policies have resulted in nothing but total failure.

“The US sought to restrict or isolate Iran by igniting war in the region and attacking Iraq and Afghanistan, whereas the result of such wars was failure for the US and victory for Iran,” Commander of the IRGC Quds Force Major General Qassem Soleimani said in a cultural ceremony in Iran’s southeastern city of Kerman on Friday.

He also pointed to the heavy losses Washington incurred during military campaigns against the two regional countries, saying the strike on Iraq cost the US some 3 trillion dollars.

The senior commander further asserted that Iran has emerged victorious and achieved all its purposes in the entire regional conflicts initiated by the US, though Tehran has not even been a direct side in any of the conflicts.

The US and Britain invaded Iraq in blatant violation of international law in 2003 under the pretext of finding WMD allegedly stockpiled by former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. No weapons, however, were ever discovered in Iraq.

A total of 4,488 US soldiers died in Iraq, while more than one million Iraqis were killed as a result of the invasion and subsequent occupation of the country.



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