Iran to Deploy Super-Heavy Submarine to East Asia

Iran to Deploy Super-Heavy Submarine to East Asia

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Navy has plans to deploy its 28th fleet of warships to East Asian waters, a senior navy commander said, adding that a super-heavy submarine is also to escort the fleet.

“The most complicated technology in military equipment is related to submarines. The Navy, with its high capability, will deploy the super-heavy Tareq class (Younes) submarine to the waters of East Asian countries within the (naval) forces’ 28th fleet,” Lieutenant Commander of the Iranian Navy for Operations Admiral Siavash Jareh said on Wednesday.

The commander noted that the Iranian fleet will also include Alborz destroyer and Bandar Abbas warship, which he said is capable of carrying helicopters.

According to Jareh, the 28th fleet is scheduled to make some port calls, including in India’s Mumbai and Sri Lanka’s Colombo, during its overseas voyage.

As regards the purpose of the upcoming naval mission, the commander made it clear that the Iranian navy seeks to make its “mighty and constant” presence felt in the international waters and high seas, noting that the country is going to “convey the message of peace and friendship” to the countries along the way in the voyage.

In recent years, Iran’s Navy has been increasing its presence in international waters to protect naval routes and provide security for merchant vessels and oil tankers.

Since November 2008, the Iranian navy has conducted anti-piracy missions in the Gulf of Aden and Bab el-Mendeb strait to protect the country's cargo ships and oil tankers against pirates.

Under the terms of several UN Security Council resolutions, nations can deploy warships to the Gulf of Aden and coastal waters of Somalia to protect their merchantmen against the pirates and, after giving notice to Somali government, enter Somali territorial in pursuit of pirates.

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