DM Stresses Iran’s High Capability in Drone Production

DM Stresses Iran’s High Capability in Drone Production

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan referred to Iran’s new Fotros drone as a management masterpiece, adding that the Islamic Republic has high capability in manufacturing various types of drones.

“The Iranian aviation industry has advanced tremendously in the course of the past twenty years and achieved eye-catching progress and nowadays it has a remarkable position in the world,” said brigadier General Dehqan.

He said that Iran can now design and produce airplane parts and systems, adding, "Iran has reached an acceptable point in terms of manufacturing drones at the regional and global levels and has attained a high position in this field."

The minister of defense and logistical support of the armed forces emphasized that the Islamic Republic of Iran’s policy is supporting the oppressed nations and resistance against the oppressor system.

“Wherever a nation will resist against the oppressor system, particularly the United States and the forged Zionist regime, that nation’s ideal will receive the support of the Islamic Republic,” he said.

Iran’s newly-unveiled drone, the Fotros, is capable of carrying out reconnaissance, patrol and combat missions, the country’s defense minister said, adding that the advanced drone has been designed according to the needs of Iranian armed forces.

The Fotros pilotless aircraft has been designed and manufactured to accommodate the needs of the country’s armed forces, the minister said.

As regards the distinguishing features of Fotros, which is reportedly the biggest strategic drone in Iran’s possession, Brigadier General Dehqan said, “The strategic drone, with its payload, has an operational range of up to 2,000 kilometers, can fly up to 25000 feet, and is capable of being airborne for up to 30 hours each time.”

The minister further noted that the Fotros can carry out reconnaissance and patrol missions, adding that it would be possible to prepare the unmanned aircraft for combat operations as well, by mounting air-to-surface missiles and a broad range of rockets on it.

it can also be used to patrol territorial and marine borders, monitor oil pipelines and telecommunication lines, control traffic on the roads, monitor disaster-hit areas in case of contingencies and carry out environmental protection operations, as well as capture high-precision aerial images and videos.

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