“Asr” Radar System to Boost Capabilities of Naval Forces: Iranian Commander

“Asr” Radar System to Boost Capabilities of Naval Forces: Iranian Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A top Iranian commander said the newly-unveiled phased array radar system, known as ‘Asr’ (Era), will help increase the combat capabilities of the country’s naval forces.

On Wednesday, November 27, the Iranian Navy unveiled the Asr advanced phased array radar system, which has been designed and manufactured domestically by its experts.

“The radar will be mounted on the (naval) vessels, and will boost the equipment and the combat capabilities of the Navy,” Iranian Army Lieutenant Commander Brigadier General Abdolrahim Mousavi said on the sidelines a ceremony to unveil the new radar on Wednesday, held ahead of the National Navy Day, which falls on November 28 this year.

“This radar detects an object with the area of 4 square meters at a distance of 110 miles, and also detects cruise missiles,” the commander added.

He also noted that the Asr phased array radar system has been totally designed and manufactured by indigenous experts inside the country.

Iran is now using the most recent achievements in the sphere of radars and smart systems. The country has, on different occasions, announced that its military might is in line with the country's defense doctrine of deterrence and poses no threat to other countries.

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