Russian Contractor to Construct 2 New N. Reactors in Iran

Russian Contractor to Construct 2 New N. Reactors in Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) said the Islamic Republic has come to an agreement with a Russian company on the construction of two new nuclear reactors which are due to be built near the first unit of the Bushehr nuclear power plant.

Following the negotiations between officials representing the AEOI and the Russian state company Rosatom, the Russian side will construct two nuclear reactors in Iran’s southern port city of Bushehr, adjacent to the first unit of the Bushehr nuclear power plant, Behrouz Kamalvandi said on Wednesday.

The spokesman added that the two 1000-magawatt reactors will also include water desalination units.

Kamalvandi, however, noted that the final agreement to start the construction work on the new reactors should be signed by the AEOI Chief Ali Akbar Salehi and Rosatom Chief Executive Officer Sergei Kirienko.

He said under an agreement struck between Iran and Russia in 1992, the two countries can expand cooperation in the nuclear field.

Earlier in December 2013, Salehi had announced that Iran is planning to construct four new nuclear power plants as part of its broader effort to meet the country's energy needs.

And in relevant remarks on November 30, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani said in addition to the Bushehr Nuclear power plant, Iran would soon start construction work on another nuclear power plant in the province of Bushehr.

“The first nuclear power plant is in operation in Bushehr province, and the construction of the second one will soon kick off; development of new atomic power plants in the country will start in earnest and there will be nuclear reactors in most parts of Bushehr province,” said Rouhani at the time.

On September 23, Iran took temporary control of its Bushehr nuclear power plant for a two-year trial period, after which the country will be in overall charge of the power plant.

The Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant became officially operational and was connected to Iran’s national grid in September 2011.

Iran and Russia have assured the international community that the plant is fully compliant with high-level safety standards and the IAEA safeguards.

Construction of the Bushehr facility began in the 1975 with the help of German company Siemens, which withdrew from the project after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979. The Iraqi imposed war on Iran (1980-1988) further hampered work on the project. In 1994 Russia signed a contract with Iran to finish the project in 1999.

Bushehr was finally finished more than a decade later and inaugurated in 2010, but it did not come into service until 2011 because of technical problems.

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