ISIL Israel’s Trick to Create Safe Zone for Zionists: Iranian Commander

ISIL Israel’s Trick to Create Safe Zone for Zionists: Iranian Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firuzabadi described the creation of ISIL terrorist group as an Israeli plot to make a safe zone for the Zionists and keep the revolutionary forces away from the occupied lands.

Firuzabadi stressed that unity and resistance of the Iraqi nation is key to defeating the terrorist group.

In early June, following its large-scale offensives in Iraq, ISIL seized control of most parts of Mosul, the second most populous city in Iraq, its surrounding Nineveh province. ISIL militants have been in control of Fallujah city since December.

The terrorists’ attacks have reportedly forced more than half a million people in and around Mosul, the capital of Nineveh Province, to flee their homes. The Takfiri (extremist) militants have vowed to march toward the capital, Baghdad.

Nearly 1.5 million Iraqis have volunteered to join battles against the al-Qaeda-linked militants shortly after senior religious and political leaders called on the nation to take up arms and defend their country against militants. The volunteers consist of people from all walks of life including retired officers.

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