Iran Urges Seriousness in Nuclear Talks

Iran Urges Seriousness in Nuclear Talks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran has entered nuclear negotiations with sextet of world powers with seriousness and political will, foreign ministry spokeswoman explained, urging the other side to adopt the same approach to pave the way for a final deal on Tehran’s peaceful nuclear program.

“It is necessary that the other parties enter talks with more seriousness as well and pave the way for reaching a comprehensive agreement,” Marziyeh Afkham said on Wednesday.

Speaking in her weekly press conference, the spokeswoman explained that Iran’s serious stance has created an atmosphere of “professional and quite tough negotiations”.

Iran and the Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) are scheduled to hold a fresh round of talks on Tehran’s nuclear energy program in the Austrian capital of Vienna on July 2.

The most recent round of negotiations was held in the Austrian city on June 16-20.

The whole talks are aimed at drafting a comprehensive deal to resolve the decade-long standoff over Tehran's peaceful nuclear energy program.

Iran and the six world powers inked an interim deal on Tehran’s nuclear program in Geneva last November, which came into force on January 20. The interim deal (the Joint Plan of Action) stipulates that over the course of six months (July 20), the parties will draw up a comprehensive nuclear deal which will lead to a lifting of the whole sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

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